Friday, July 5, 2024
27 C
Brunei Town

Professional Qualified Officer Cadet promoted

RBAF Commander Major General Dato Paduka Seri Haji Muhammad Haszaimi bin Bol Hassan (Left) presents 22281 Officer Cadet Nurliessa binti Mohammad Daliz with the Substantive Captain insignia. PHOTO: ADIB NOOR

By the consent of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Omar ’Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Negara Brunei Darussalam, 22281 Officer Cadet Nurliessa binti Mohammad Daliz, a Professionally Qualified Officer (PQO) from Intake 22 was commissioned and promoted to the rank of Substantive Captain.

The Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) Commander Major General Dato Paduka Seri Haji Muhammad Haszaimi bin Bol Hassan presented the insignia to the newly commissioned PQO at the Ceremonial Hall of the Defence Academy RBAF, Tanah Jambu.

More details on Friday’s Borneo Bulletin


