Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Imams caution Muslims against games of chance

Imams have issued a solemn call to to abstain from engaging in recreational activities that harbor elements of gambling.

In the Friday sermon, Imams underscored the injunction from Allah the Almighty, cautioning against the perils of indulging in practices such as alcohol consumption, gambling, idolatry, and divination, all of which are deemed as reprehensible deeds that believers must unequivocally shun.

Elaborating on contemporary examples, the religious leaders highlighted various modern recreational pursuits that intertwine entertainment with gambling-like characteristics. Notably, games such as claw machines, balloon poppers, basketball machines, and ring tosses were identified as embodying elements akin to gambling, Imams said.


Muslims were reminded of the unequivocal prohibition against participation in such activities, whether as players, facilitators, promoters, or in any other capacity, as outlined in the authoritative fatwa series 19/2023.

Examining the mechanics of the claw machine, it was emphasised that players are typically required to stake a monetary amount in exchange for a chance to win a prize. Success in such endeavors is often contingent upon luck rather than skill, thereby entailing the risk of either profit or loss.

In essence, the delineation between gambling and recreational pursuits hinges on the presence of betting, whether in the form of monetary transactions or other valuable assets, where outcomes are dictated by chance rather than skill, ultimately determining whether participants receive rewards or incur losses. – Azlan Othman


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