Friday, October 18, 2024
24 C
Brunei Town


Illegal workshop ceases operations

A home owner in Kampong Lambak, Mukim Berakas, who changed the use of his house for industrial activities, was ordered to discontinue its activities for violating Section 23(2) Town and Country Planning Order 2015 (TCPO) in which conducting its activities without planning permission.

The industrial activities included vehicle body paint workshop which were carried out illegally, compromising the safety and well-being of the neighbourhood.

No application was received by the Planning Authority for the activities to be operated on the premises.

The homeowner complied with the authority’s order by ceasing the activities, cleaning and restoring it to its original use as a residential home in June.

The public is reminded to comply with planning laws, in particular Section 23 TCPO which states that no person shall carry out the development, subdivision or consolidation of any land or carry out any work in a conservation area without permission from the Planning Authority.

Failure to comply is an offence liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding BND200,000 and in the case of continuing to a further fine not exceeding BND10,000 for every day during which the offence continues after conviction.

The workshop before the premise was restored. PHOTO: DEPARTMENT OF TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING

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