Saturday, July 27, 2024
27 C
Brunei Town

HIV awareness programme reaches UTB’s new intake

James Kon

Some 500 new Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB) intakes took part in the Brunei Darussalam AIDS Council (BDAIDSCouncil) HIV Awareness Programme for Peers and Youth (HAPPY) as part of its orientation week programme yesterday.

HAPPY is a youth-led project to spread HIV awareness including knowledge on teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

BDAIDSCouncil President Iswandy bin Ahmad facilitated the programme.

He shared the latest local statistics on STIs and teenage pregnancy.

He also said the figures can be curbed by applying abstinence as part of preventing our youth from getting involved in risky behaviours that can lead to the infection of STIs, getting pregnant out of wedlock or early marriage.

BDAIDS Council President Iswandy bin Ahmad speaks to the students. PHOTO: BDAIDSCOUNCIL

