High Commission of Pakistan in Brunei Darussalam
The High Commission of Pakistan in Brunei Darussalam held special prayers for peace, security and prosperity of Pakistan and Brunei as well as a Hari Raya gathering on May 12.
Members of the Pakistani community in the Sultanate and the Pakistan Brunei Friendship Association attended the event. High Commissioner of Pakistan to Brunei Darussalam Major General (Rtd) Farhat Abbas Sani in his remarks prayed for peace and prosperity of Pakistan.
The attendees were served an assortment of traditional Pakistani delicacies.

Mukim Kota Batu, Mukim Mentiri and Mukim Serasa
Lyna Mohamad
Acting mukim heads, village heads and acting village heads of Mukim Kota Batu, Mukim Mentiri and Mukim Serasa held a Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration and Doa Kesyukuran for Zone 3 at the Farmers’ Cooperative Hall of Kampong Tanah Jambu, Jalan Muara on Saturday.
Legislative Council (LegCo) member and Acting Penghulu of Mukim Kianggeh and Village Head of Kampong Subok Yang Berhormat Lawi bin Haji Lamat was the guest of honour.
LegCo member and Village Head of Kampong Belimbing Yang Berhormat Haji Daud bin Jihan and spouse were also present.
The ceremony began with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah and Doa Selamat followed by an exchange of souvenirs between the acting penghulu, village heads and acting village heads in attendance.
The event aimed to foster a high level of awareness and cooperation as well as strengthen friendship between penghulu, village heads and acting village heads of Zone 3.

Wargamas Association
Adib Noor
The Wargamas Association held a Hari Raya celebration at The Walk, Beribi yesterday.
Pehin Orang Kaya Indera Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Suyoi and Datin Hajah Asmah binti Haji Abdul Rahman was present as the guest of honour. The Wargamas Association President Haji Abu Bakar bin Haji Mohd Don in his welcoming remarks shared the association’s many highlights since its establishment in 2019. He said the association continues to unite all senior citizens to contribute and support the nation’s development, well-being and progress.
The association’s current membership has reached 1,100 individuals, comprising senior citizens aged 60 and above, as well as prospective senior citizens aged 50 to 60.
The president said, “Although the Wargamas Association was only established in 2019, the organisation has been actively planning and carrying out projects, programmes, and activities which can be considered to be on par with other organisations and associations in the country.”
The celebration also saw the presentation of the Wargamas Platinum Award to Haji Hambali bin Haji Awang Tengah.
During the celebration, guests enjoyed a banquet consisting of a variety of traditional Hari Raya delicacies and cuisines.