Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Brunei Town


Haj advance group off to Saudi Arabia

The haj advance group of Darussalam Services Sdn Bhd (DSSB) led by Darussalam Holdings Sdn Bhd Managing Director Haji Mahmud bin Haji Mohamed and three others left for Jeddah to make the final preparations in Saudi Arabia to welcome the arrival of 619 pilgrims on their haj package.

Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs Pengiran Dato Seri Paduka Haji Mohd Tashim bin Pengiran Haji Hassan was present at the Brunei International Airport to bid the group farewell.

According to Haji Mahmud, they will conduct a series of meetings with various parties in Saudi Arabia to ensure all the logistics requirements including hotel, transportation and meal arrangements, are in order.

The first batch will leave for Madinah on May 23 and the rest on May 24, 25 and 26.

Advance check-in will be held a day before departure. – Azlan Othman

Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs Pengiran Dato Seri Paduka Haji Mohd Tashim bin Pengiran Haji Hassan with Darussalam Services Sdn Bhd (DSSB) haj advance group at the departure hall of the Brunei International Airport. PHOTO: SIM YH

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