Friday, October 18, 2024
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Guinness marvel

UPI – A Jordanian man secured a Guinness World Record (GWR) for the swiftest mental calculation of letters in 10 sentences, showcasing his remarkable math proficiency.

Mohammad Sayaheen, 51, hailing from Irbid, stumbled upon his rapid calculation talent during his school years.

Reflecting on this ability, Sayaheen shared with GWR, “I discovered my knack for quick calculations in secondary school, almost serendipitously. Initially, I assumed that all children possessed the same skill until a math teacher enlightened me otherwise.”

Sayaheen developed his skill into an unusual trick: calculating the number of letters in a sentence. He gained fame for the skill when he showed it off on an episode of TV series Arabs Got Talent.

Sayaheen has now earned a GWR title by counting the number of letters in 10 sentences in 35.5 seconds. Each calculation only took him one or two seconds, but GWR rules required him to read each sentence aloud before presenting the total.

“I don’t need any warm-up; I can instantly do these calculations first thing in the morning,” Sayaheen told GWR officials.


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