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Grit necessary for success: US sports envoys

Izah Azahari

People often begin their journey with high aspirations, envisioning a smooth and effortless road ahead. However, reality paints a different picture. The path to success is more accurately depicted as a challenging and meandering route that requires unwavering commitment and a strong sense of grit.

This was said by American footballers Amy Allman Griffin and Lorrie Fair Allen, FIFA World Cup Champions in 1991 and 1999, as United States (US) State Department Sports Envoys during a public lecture on ‘Finding Success as a Professional Athlete’ hosted by the US Embassy in Brunei Darussalam at a hotel in Kampong Anggerek Desa on Friday.

“Many people only witness the triumphant moment when athletes stand on the podium, unaware of the arduous journey that led them there,” Griffin said. “They have little knowledge of the countless instances these athletes spent away from their families, the solitary fitness sessions endured in the rain, the battles with injuries, the rejections from teams, and the setbacks they faced. This is the path that everyone must traverse to achieve success.”

She also noted that grit entails persisting over time, maintaining passion and a willingness to work diligently, especially when faced with adversity.

“Even when circumstances seem unfavourable, one can still hold onto their passion for the endeavour,” she said.

Griffin shared that many individuals encounter obstacles along the way – be it hitting a wall, facing months of disappointments, sustaining an injury, or finding themselves in an unsupportive environment. “Sadly, some abandon their commitments when faced with such challenges, straying from the path they once vowed to follow,” she added.

ABOVE & BELOW: Attendees at the public lecture; Deputy Chief of Mission of the United States (US) Embassy in Brunei Darussalam Emily Fleckner delivers an address; and US State Department Sports Envoys footballlers Amy Allman Griffin and Lorrie Fair Allen, FIFA World Cup Champions in 1991 and 1999, speak at the lecture. PHOTOS: IZAH AZAHARI

ABOVE & BELOW: Photos show Football Association of Brunei Darussalam (FABD) President Pengiran Haji Matusin bin Pengiran Haji Matasan presenting souvenirs to the US Sports Envoys

“However, those who persist through the long haul and learn to break down their journey into manageable pieces can find solace and motivation in small successes along the way.”

They also spoke on the importance of internal motivation as a crucial factor that individuals can control, as relying on others to behave or act in a certain way can lead to frustration and disappointment.

“Therefore, it is essential to nurture and harness internal motivation as the driving force behind one’s actions and goals,” they said.

The key to sustained motivation is when it transforms into a routine that is an integral part of a person.

“When motivation becomes ingrained in your identity, life becomes much smoother and more effortless. However, achieving this state requires consistent effort and commitment.”

They also spoke of the importance of culture as a key to success as relationships move at the speed of trust; celebrating small victories; not making excuses when they don’t win; focussing on opportunities; believing in winning more in the future; and believing that champions are shaped and moulded as individuals. These can develop their individual mind-set and the mind-set of their team with the right thinking, beliefs, and expectations, leading to powerful actions.

The lecture also saw Football Association of Brunei Darussalam (FABD) President Pengiran Haji Matusin bin Pengiran Haji Matasan present tokens of appreciation to the speakers.

Prior to the lecture, Deputy Chief of Mission of the US Embassy in Brunei Darussalam Emily Fleckner outlined events held throughout the week including a press conference to discuss the development of women’s football in Brunei as a FIFA member, celebrating US Independence Day at a sports-themed event at the ambassador’s home, motivational talks, coaching clinics, as well as football training sessions in Kuala Belait and Bandar Seri Begawan.

The embassy also organised a small-sided women’s match with four teams on the lawn of the US Embassy on Friday, and a full-sided women’s match at FABD.


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