Wednesday, July 3, 2024
30 C
Brunei Town

Golfing for a cause

Baiduri Bank announced its partnership with the Child Development Centre (CDC), the Centre for Children with Special Needs (KACA), the Paraplegic and Physically Disabled Association (PAPDA), the National Association for the Hearing-Impaired (OKP), and Learning Ladders Society (LLS), where all golfers’ registration fees from this year’s edition of the Baiduri Masters is set to benefit the organisations.

The organisations provide welfare support and raise awareness for people with different abilities and needs, relying on donations to cover operating expenses and the expansion of facilities to serve more students, patients or members.

PAPDA was the first organisation established for persons with different abilities (OKUs) in the 1980s. The responsibilities have now been divided among nine non-governmental organisations (NGOS) under the Council for the Welfare of Persons with Different Abilities (MKOKU).

PAPDA Deputy Chairman Haji Sahari bin Haji Tinggal said, “This year we are looking to introduce two new programmes to help our members become more independent and engage in more sustainable practices.

“The first is a wheelchair repair workshop to teach our members how to maintain and repair their wheelchairs, so there is less waste and need to buy complete replacements. The second is tailoring classes, as it is difficult for OKUs to find employment, so we try to encourage them to be more entrepreneurial and provide them with the right resources and guidance,” he added.

OKP have also been actively raising awareness on inclusivity for their members through programmes like the OKP Prihatin Project and other important agendas such as capacity building, skill development and employment creation.

Meanwhile, LLS is a society dedicated to children with special needs, offering an ABA programme that helps children with autism and related disorders develop new skills, improve relationships, and enhance their quality of life.

CDC under the Ministry of Health provides early intervention services for children with developmental delays and disabilities, while KACA, formed in 1986, is an NGO aiming to improve the welfare of children with special needs in Brunei.

The Baiduri Masters will tee off next weekend at Pantai Mentiri Golf Club, with players competing over two weekends, from June 14 to 16 and June 21 to 23.

Paraplegic and Physically Disabled Association Deputy Chairman Haji Sahari bin Haji Tinggal with other committee members. PHOTO: BAIDURI BANK

