A delegation of five German Members of Parliament (Members of Deutscher Bundestag, Parliament of Germany), accompanied by two officials, will visit the Sultanate from today to Tuesday.
Gabriele Katzmarek, MdB heads the delegation representing the Parliamentary Friendship Group for Relations with the ASEAN member states in the Bundestag.
“Brunei Darussalam is the first leg of the delegation’s visit to three ASEAN member states from March 3 to 10. After their visit to Brunei, the delegation will proceed to Singapore and Malaysia,” it said in a press statement.
The visit, served as an opportunity for Brunei and Germany to strengthen its bilateral relations, is the first of the ASEAN-Friendship Group in the Bundestag since 2007.
The visit is also in conjunction with the 40th year of the establishment of diplomatic relations of the two countries.
The focus areas of the visit in the Sultanate will include discussions on bilateral parliamentary relations and in foreign affairs with a focus on ASEAN as well as health and education.
The delegation will also be received at the Legislative Council (LegCo) by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education.
The delegation will also visit Tutong District tomorrow to experience Brunei’s biodiversity as well as the culture of the Puak Dusun.
ASEAN Biodiversity Hero 2017 and Mentor for the Homestay Alai Gayoh Anak Pulau HAGAP Management Eyad Samhan bin Nyawa will accompany the delegation on a guided hike in the rainforest and to the Homestay Alai Gayoh on Bukit Udal, built by Dusun Elder Cigku Benson in 2010.