A three-day camping event organised by the Brunei Muara District Scouts Association was conducted at the camping site near the Brunei Darussalam Scouts Association (PPNBD) headquarters in Beribi, Gadong. Around 200 scouts members, including Cub, Junior, and Venture Scouts participated. The objectives of the Pre-Jamboree Camp 2023 was for the scouts to gain knowledge, experience and motivation to build self-confidence through activities lined up at the camp site.
The camp provided participants a unique experience and a platform to train their scouting skills as well develop leadership skills. Activities included were tying the scout’s knots, scout’s symbols, radio communication, treasure hunts and other scout related education games.
The scouts were also exposed on performing traditional Malay and other ethnic dances as well as trying their hands on traditional instruments and games and archery. – Lyna Mohamad