Saturday, July 27, 2024
27 C
Brunei Town

Fun day for Belait scouts

Daniel Lim

The Silver Jubilee Park in Kuala Belait was filled with laughter as the Belait District Scouts Association (PPDB) hosted an event in conjunction with Brunei Darussalam Scouts Association’s (PPNBD) 90th anniversary yesterday.

Acting Belait District Officer Haji Amirol Hafidzin bin Haji Muhammad was the guest of honour at the event attended by over 80 scout leaders and members from PPDB.

Organising chairman Haji Jasni bin Haji Mohammad said the event celebrated PPNBD’s 90 years and gave the district’s scout members a chance to take part in activities that promote a healthy and active lifestyle.

He expressed hope that the participants support and encourage one another as well as strengthen ties.

The event began with an hour-long Zumba session, followed by a walk along the beach near the park, flagged off and participated by Haji Amirol Hafidzin.

There were also several stalls and booths on the side.

Acting Belait District Officer Haji Amirol Hafidzin bin Haji Muhammad sounds the start of the walk. PHOTO: DANIEL LIM

