In today’s Friday sermon, Imams nationwide reminded that wealth is a blessing and a test from Allah the Almighty, entrusted to humanity for their benefit. The sermon highlighted the need to manage wealth responsibly, in line with Syariah principles, to secure well-being in this life and success in the Hereafter.
Drawing from a hadith by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the congregation was reminded:
“A servant will not move on the Day of Judgement until he is asked about his life – how he spent it; his knowledge – how he acted upon it; his wealth – where he earned it and where he spent it; and his body – how he used it.”
This underscores the accountability Muslims face for every penny earned and spent.

The sermon outlined key steps to ensure wealth is used in ways that please Allah:
Ensure halal income – Avoid forbidden sources like bribery, usury, gambling, and theft to secure blessings in your earnings.
Spend wisely – Prioritise essentials such as food, housing, and loan payments before indulging in recreational spending. Families were urged to educate one another to avoid wastefulness and manage finances prudently.
Give charity – Allocate wealth towards helping the needy, contributing to community welfare, and engaging in charitable initiatives. Charity not only brings blessings but also strengthens families and communities.
Fulfill zakat obligations- The sermon emphasised the importance of zakat, a form of compulsory charity that purifies wealth, cleanses the soul, and attracts Allah the Almighty’s blessings.
The Imams concluded by reminding the congregation that wealth is a trust from Allah the Almighty, meant to be used for good. By managing finances responsibly, seeking halal income, avoiding wastefulness, and giving generously, Muslims can ensure prosperity and blessings in both worlds. – Izah Azahari