Adib Noor
A total of 1,708 mukim and village consultative council members as well as students from across the country participated in the 76 Times Khatam Al-Quran ceremony at Istana Nurul Iman yesterday, as part of celebrations to mark the 76th birthday of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam.
A handful of the Khatam participants shared their thoughts with the Bulletin.
Madang Religious School Primary 4 student Izdiyad Izdihar bin Nasri said, “I am truly humbled to be here with the rest of the Khatam participants today. This is a first time for me to be part of a mass Khatam Al-Quran ceremony. It is a truly delightful experience to recite Al-Quran for our beloved monarch. May Allah the Almighty bless His Majesty with good health, happiness and longevity. Amin.”
Ukong Religious School Primary 5 student Mohd Aiman Hafiz bin Mohd Nazri, another first timer, echoed a similar view, saying, “This is a wonderful opportunity to recite Al-Quran in front of His Majesty. This is a memory I will forever cherish, and I would definitely jump at the opportunity to be part of this celebration again.”
Meanwhile, Pengiran Muda Mohamed Bolkiah Religious School Primary 4 student Mohd Zawawi Rafiqi bin Mohd Zainil Rizal shared that since June 2021, participants have been fine-tuning their skills in reciting Juzuk 1 to Juzuk 30 of Al-Quran.
“I am proud to be one of the selected few from my school to join students from all over Brunei in the celebration,” he said.
Meanwhile, Runa binti Bagul from Kampong Rataie in the Temburong District shared that 70 female and 70 male participants represented the Temburong District in the adult category.
“This is my second time being part of the Khatam ceremony, and I am happy at the opportunity to represent the district,” she said.
Explaining how she prepared for the Khatam ceremony, Runa said, “I would read Al-Quran after performing my daily prayers.”