Tuesday, June 18, 2024
26 C
Brunei Town

Everyday warrior

The importance of self-defence for everyone as a lifelong skill

In today’s unpredictable world, the importance of self-defence cannot be overstated. Whether young or old, male or female, everyone can benefit from learning how to protect themselves.

Self-defence encompasses a range of techniques and strategies designed to help individuals defend against physical threats.

However, its benefits extend beyond physical protection, enhancing mental well-being and fostering a sense of empowerment.



One of the most significant benefits of learning self-defence is the boost in confidence it provides. Knowing you have the skills to protect yourself in a potentially dangerous situation instils a sense of security and empowerment.

This confidence transcends physical scenarios and seeps into everyday life, making individuals more assertive and less likely to be intimidated or bullied.

For women and girls, in particular, self-defence training can be transformative. Societal norms and gender-based violence often leave women feeling vulnerable.

By equipping themselves with self-defence skills, women can challenge these norms and take control of their safety. This empowerment is crucial in fostering gender equality and enabling women to navigate the world with confidence and assurance.



Self-defence training is not just about learning to fight; it’s also an excellent way to improve physical fitness.

Many self-defence classes incorporate elements of cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility. These physical activities contribute to overall health, helping to maintain a healthy weight, improve cardiovascular health, and build muscle strength.

Regular physical activity is known to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.

Moreover, the physical conditioning involved in self-defence training improves coordination, agility, and reflexes, making individuals more adept at handling various physical tasks and challenges.



The mental benefits of self-defence are equally compelling. Engaging in self-defence training can significantly reduce stress levels. The physical exertion involved helps to release endorphins, the body’s natural mood elevators, which can alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Furthermore, self-defence training requires mental focus and discipline.

Learning to assess situations, make quick decisions, and remain calm under pressure enhances mental resilience.

This mental fortitude is invaluable in everyday life, aiding in problem-solving and improving emotional regulation.



An essential aspect of self-defence is situational awareness.

Self-defence training teaches individuals to be mindful of their surroundings and recognise potential threats before they escalate.

This heightened awareness is a crucial preventive measure, enabling individuals to avoid dangerous situations altogether.

In addition to physical techniques, self-defence training often includes verbal strategies to de-escalate conflicts. Learning how to communicate effectively and assert boundaries can prevent physical confrontations, making self-defence a holistic approach to personal safety.



Self-defence is a valuable skill for people of all ages and abilities.

For children, learning self-defence can teach discipline, respect, and the importance of personal boundaries. It can also provide a safe outlet for physical energy and help prevent bullying.

For older adults, self-defence training can enhance mobility, balance, and independence.

As individuals age, the risk of falls and physical vulnerabilities increase. Self-defence techniques can improve stability and provide seniors with the confidence to live independently.

Inclusivity in self-defence training is paramount.

Classes tailored to different age groups, fitness levels, and physical capabilities ensure that everyone can benefit from these skills.

Adaptive self-defence techniques can accommodate individuals with disabilities, ensuring that personal safety is accessible to all.

In a world where safety concerns are ever-present, the importance of self-defence surpasses gender and age.

It equips individuals with the tools to protect themselves physically, enhances mental and physical health, and fosters a sense of empowerment and confidence.

By promoting awareness, prevention, and inclusivity, self-defence training serves as a vital life skill that benefits everyone, regardless of their stage in life.

Investing in self-defence is an investment in personal security and overall well-being, making it a practice that everyone should consider embracing. – IZAH AZAHARI


