Monday, July 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town

Escape the ordinary

Three vacation ideas guaranteed to rejuvenate your soul

AFP – Has this year felt particularly challenging? Are you longing to escape the hustle of city life and crowded tourist spots?

Discover destinations and activities that enhance the restorative benefits of vacation time, supported by scientific research!

Here are three ideas for a rejuvenating vacation experience that will leave you feeling completely refreshed.

Ditch sparkling seas for icy waters

Hot weather often means taking a dip in the (mild) sea. But while seawater offers a host of benefits for the skin, ice-cold water has been found to act on various aspects of mental health.

It might therefore be worth looking to the Nordic countries for a summer getaway, including Norway, where ice baths are legion and their benefits recognised.

Take, for example, the now-famous Wim Hof method, named after the Dutch ‘Iceman’ who invented it.


This technique promises a state of absolute well-being and plenitude. More precisely, it combines breathing and meditation exercises with ice baths to enhance the benefits.

Numerous scientific studies have attributed many virtues to cold water, or more broadly to the cold, notably for the immune system and sleep. Even more recently, researchers have suggested that ice baths can also alleviate some of the symptoms of menopause.

Interested? Head for Northern Europe, of course.

Try a silent retreat

Not talking and focusing on yourself, for a few days to a week, is the aim of the silent retreats that were all the rage on social networks in 2023.

These can be a great way to disconnect completely, and forget about your hectic daily life the rest of the year.

Inspired by the ancient technique of Vipassana meditation, which is synonymous with introspection, silent retreats are becoming increasingly common, and are offered at prices similar to those of traditional vacations.


These retreats often involve staying in quiet, if not isolated, places, during which silence is golden, and telephones and computers are banned.

The aim is to refocus on yourself and give new meaning to your life.

But don’t be fooled into thinking you’ll be giving up all activity, because silent retreats often offer meditation-related leisure activities. It all depends on which one you choose.

Book a sleep-focused getaway

There are now a number of vacation packages dedicated entirely to sleep.

The idea may sound strange, but this type of break is becoming increasingly popular. The hashtag #sleeptourism, which already has over 50 million posts on TikTok, is proof enough of this, as is the growing range of sleep-related breaks offered by numerous hotels.

The main activity, of course, remains rest – and in luxury, ultra-high-tech beds, if you please – but it’s also about letting yourself try out activities designed to refocus on yourself, such as meditation, yoga or massage.

 However, unlike the above experiences, these vacations – by the sea or in big cities – are usually reserved for a wealthy clientele.


