JAKARTA (AP) – Teguh Islean Septura groans in pain as each staccato rat-a-tat-tat of the laser fires an intense beam at the elaborate tattoos on his arm.
But the former musician’s determination to “repent” in the holy month of Ramadhan is enough to keep him going.
The 30-year-old guitarist got his back, arms and legs tattooed to “look cool” when he was performing in a band. But these days Septura has a newfound zeal for Islam, including the conviction that Muslims should not alter the body that Allah the Almighty gave them.
“As humans, sometimes we make mistakes. Now I want to improve myself by moving closer to Allah the Almighty,” Seputra said, as a health worker aimed the white laser wand at Septura’s skin, blasting the red, green and black pigments with its penetrating light.
“Allah the Almighty gave me clean skin and I ruined it, that’s what I regret now.”
Septura is among a growing number of people in Indonesia’s capital who have signed up for free tattoo removal services offered by Amil Zakat National Agency, an Islamic charity organisation, during Ramadhan to give practicing Muslims an opportunity to “repent”.
Launched in 2019, the tattoo removal programme is now held every Ramadhan, a month of fasting, increased worship, religious reflection and good deeds.
Some 700 people have signed up for the services this year, and in total nearly 3,000 people have taken part.
“We want to pave the way for people who want to hijrah (to move closer to Allah the Almighty), including those who want to remove their tattoos,” said Mohammad Asep Wahyudi, a coordinator of the event.
He added that many people cannot afford to remove their tattoos or know where and how they can do so safely.
Laser removal, which takes repeated treatment and may not be completely successful, could cost thousands of dollars for tattoos as extensive as Septura’s.
Sri Indrayati, 52, said she tattooed the name of her first daughter on her hand shortly after she gave birth to her at the age of 22.
She said she regretted it when her two grandchildren kept asking her to erase it because it looked like dirty, thick marker writing.
“When I take my grandson to school, (the children) whisper to each other, ‘look at that grandma, she has a tattoo!” she said.
Another woman, Evalia Zadora, got a tattoo of a large star on her back and the words ‘Hope, Love and Rock & Roll’ on her upper chest as a teen to gain acceptance into a gang. She wants to remove them now to move closer to Allah the Almighty and out of consideration for her family.
“Bad image (against people with tattoos) is not a big deal for me, but it affected my husband and son,” said Zadora, 36.
“They are not comfortable with my tattoos and I respect their feelings, so I want to remove it.” – Niniek Karmini