Monday, September 23, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Enter the wild world of Hoya

Picture this, you’re a plant enthusiast, and you’re just itching to get your hands on a new plant. Maybe even a new species! You wake up bright and early for the weekend plant market in Gadong, heart aflutter just thinking of the possible plants you might find.

But wait, you’ve been strolling up and down the different rows, smiling and nodding at each vendor you come across for about half an hour. Your eyes keep scanning over an ocean of foliage and blooms but it’s all the same song and dance.

Rows of bougainvilleas (bunga kertas) and fruit saplings are lined up throughout the market with some smatterings of caladiums (bunga keladi) and philodendrons here and there.

“There’s nothing new,” you sigh defeatedly.

But sometimes, if you look hard enough, you might find an unassuming plant with unruly vines lined with thick and succulent leaves.

During its flowering season, you’ll see a cluster of blooms – a firework display of living gems just poking out of the mass of foliage.

Say hi to the Hoya, also known as the wax flower. It’s okay to have never heard of them.

ABOVE & BELOW: Hoya mindorensis bloom; Hoya pubicalyx ‘red buttons’ bloom; Hoya halconensis bloom; and Hoya patriciae bloom. PHOTOS: WARDI WASIL
The author holds up a Hoya villosa. PHOTO: WARDI WASIL

Though it has risen in popularity globally as a houseplant, in Brunei Darussalam, however, there may only be a few handfuls of Hoya collectors.

So allow me to introduce you to the wild world of Hoyas.

The Hoya was first classified by botanist Robert Brown in 1811 and was named after Thomas Hoy, a gardener at Syon Park in England. Most Hoyas have creeping or climbing stems that can produce clusters of colourful and scented flowers.

With over 400 species, from iconic and commonly available Hoya carnosa with its waxy leaves and cascading clusters of star-shaped flowers to ethereal Hoya villosa with its large velvety leaves, rippled edges and a fuzzy underside, there is a Hoya out there for everyone.

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, Hoyas are easy to care for due to their low-maintenance requirements.

Being a hardy species that are mostly found in tropical and subtropical South and Southeast Asia, Hoyas are accustomed to a variety of conditions. Hoyas are epiphytes just like orchids, which means that in the wild, they grow on trees to avoid competing for light and water on the ground. Due to this, these plants thrive in bright indirect light and are drought-tolerant, so they can withstand a bit of neglect.

While a Hoya’s foliage is nothing to scoff at, their blooms steal the show. Hoya flowers come in an array of enchanting forms, colours, and scents. Many Hoya species are night bloomers, releasing intoxicating fragrances during their bloom period, filling the night garden air with sweet and sometimes, earthy scents.

Hoyas are also slow-growers, therefore part and parcel of being a Hoya collector is patience.

It may take a young Hoya a year or two before it matures and is ready to push out blooms but the wait is always worth it. Ask any Hoya collector. They will remember their first Hoya bloom. From the texture, to the scent and even the taste of their nectar, a Hoya bloom is always a treat for your sense.

Due to the plant’s novelty – and rarity in Brunei – the Hoya has cultivated a small yet dedicated community. A Hoya collector is no stranger to a plant swap, as most Hoya collectors are eager to experience each and every Hoya bloom out there, and share it with others. Though Hoyas are scarce within the conventional plant markets here in the Sultanate, it is thriving online.

So you’re safest bet to acquire a diverse set of Hoyas is by joining online forums, social media groups, or attend local plant swaps to connect with fellow local Hoya enthusiasts.

The Hoya lifestyle is a captivating and rewarding journey, from their stunning foliage to their captivating blooms. So, why not embark on this botanical adventure and discover the true joy and tranquility that Hoyas can bring to your life? – Wardi Wasil 


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