Friday, September 13, 2024
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Brunei Town


Embassy launches e-guidebook to celebrate culinary ties

Food possesses a unique ability to bring people together, and Thai cuisine has long served as a beloved ambassador in promoting closer people-to-people relations. It is thus fitting to celebrate the longstanding friendship between the Sultanate and Thailand through the sharing of a meal or the joy of cooking Thai dishes together.

This was said by Thai Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam Boosara Kanchanalai during the launch of the first edition of A Guidebook of Thai Food in Brunei Darussalam e-book yesterday at the Royal Thai Embassy in the Sultanate.

In her remarks, the ambassador highlighted, “This e-guidebook is a special initiative of the Thai community in Brunei, updating the existing guidebook, originally published in paper format in 2019. In close collaboration with the embassy, this e-book is one of several activities to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Thailand and Brunei Darussalam.”

The ambassador added, “This project not only marks four decades of friendship and ties between our two nations, but also underscores our shared commitment to climate and sustainability agendas. By publishing the guidebook in digital format, we are adopting a more environmentally friendly approach, reducing paper usage, and supporting the greener Brunei initiatives.”

The ceremony was officiated by Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pengiran Datin Paduka Shazainah binti Pengiran Dato Paduka Shariffuddin.

The e-book, includes a list of 17 Thai restaurants and 10 companies distributing Thai products in the Sultanate.

Two of the restaurants featured in the e-book have been awarded the prestigious “Thai Select” label, a certification from Thailand’s Ministry of Commerce in recognition of an effort to serve authentic Thai cuisine abroad. – James Kon

ABOVE & BELOW: Thai Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam Boosara Kanchanalai presents a gift basket to Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pengiran Datin Paduka Shazainah binti Pengiran Dato Paduka Shariffuddin; and the permanent secretary touring the food stalls. PHOTO: JAMES KON


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