Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Brunei Town


Embassy celebrates national day

The Russian Embassy in Brunei Darussalam hosted its national day reception at the Songket Ballroom of The Rizqun International Hotel last night.

Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office and Minister of Defence II Pehin Datu Lailaraja Major General (Rtd) Dato Paduka Seri Haji Awang Halbi bin Haji Mohd Yussof attended on behalf of the government and as the guest of honour.

The Russian Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam Mikhail Vladimirovich Baranov said in his welcoming remarks that the celebration is a day of immense significance for every Russian as it is not only a reflection of their national pride but also a tribute to the profound and centuries-long history of the country.

“As we celebrate this important holiday for every Russian, I am honoured to do so on the blessed soil of Brunei. Our gathering here is a testament to the growing friendship and cooperation between our nations. I am hopeful that the bonds between our countries will continue to strengthen, fostering mutual understanding and collaboration for the benefit of our people,” said the ambassador.

The ambassador noted that Russia has always played a role as a unique confluence of world cultures and religions, a place where everyone finds a home and where all peoples and faiths coexist in peace and harmony.

“Our country is a land of extraordinary achievements in science and technology, where Russian scientists have made groundbreaking contributions that have propelled global progress,” said the ambassador.

The reception also saw the cake-cutting ceremony by the minister and the ambassador, a presentation of a short film, What Do You Know About Modern Russia? and a Russian classical music show performed by a local band.

A showcase of photos dedicated to the achievements of Russia was also displayed at the event. – Lyna Mohamad

Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office and Minister of Defence II Pehin Datu Lailaraja Major General (Rtd) Dato Paduka Seri Haji Awang Halbi bin Haji Mohd Yussof in a group photo. PHOTO: LYNA MOHAMAD
ABOVE & BELOW: Russian Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam Mikhail Vladimirovich Baranov delivers a speech, and the minister and the ambassador cut a cake. PHOTO: LYNA MOHAMAD


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