Rokiah Mahmud
Intending Haj pilgrims of Brunei Darussalam scheduled to depart on the first flight today made a one-day advance baggage check-in at the Brunei International Airport yesterday.
The advance check-in counters were open from noon to 3pm. Similar to previous years, intending Haj pilgrims are required to check in their baggage based on the specific dates and time given.
A total of 157 intending Haj pilgrims and four officers from Darussalam Holdings Sdn Bhd (DHSB), 67 from Straits Central Agencies (B) Sdn Bhd and 12 from Al-Hijrah Travel and Tours Sdn Bhd will leave the Sultanate for Jeddah, Saudi Arabia today.
Meanwhile, 195 pilgrims and four DHSB officers will be on the second flight tomorrow.