Monday, September 30, 2024
28 C
Brunei Town


Duo fined over BND100k for smuggled goods

Magistrate Abdul ‘Azim bin Othman on Saturday handed down fines of BND112,884 to a 43-year-old Malaysian, Yee Yong Pin, and BND103,440 to a 45-year-old permanent resident, Jong Yit Lian, after both pleaded guilty to possessing smuggled goods.

Yee Yong Pin would have to serve 31 months’ jail, while Jong Yit Lian 31 months’ jail in default of payment of fine.

Both individuals were caught on September 21, at the Ujong Jalan Control Post in Temburong. Customs officers discovered large quantities of smuggled cigarettes and alcoholic beverages in their possession. In Yee’s vehicle, officers found 90 cartons, 2 packets, and 20 sticks of cigarettes along with 1,440 cans of assorted alcoholic beverages. Jong was found with 75 cartons of cigarettes, 36 bottles, and 1,440 cans of alcoholic beverages.

The court also ordered the confiscation and destruction of the contraband and the seizure of two vehicles and three mobile phones used in the smuggling operation. – FADLEY FAISAL


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