I was in Kampong Anggerek Desa when I saw a man driving while carrying a baby in his arm.
I would have been more alarmed had it been the first time I had seen such carelessness in a road user. But it wasn’t.
Since moving to this country over five years ago, I have encountered quite a number of motorists who pull such a dangerous stunt. Have they never heard or come across infant car seats?
There have been countless calls against speeding and tailgating; which admittedly set the country back in terms of road safety promotion, but carrying a baby while driving is equally irresponsible. Worse, the driver is also endangering the life of his own offspring.
What confuses me is how widespread it seems to be. I know the authorities have been clamping down hard on dangerous driving and car modifications. But surely, driving with a baby in the arm has got to be illegal too. As a matter of fact, I believe it is time to make it into law that all cars with babies on board must come equipped with infant car seats. There is just no other way of discouraging such a reckless behaviour.
Stunned Driver