Azlan Othman
The Kampong Sungai Besar Mosque committee members and village consultative council members are welcoming participation from mosque congregants and the public, especially residents, to assist orphans and their families in the form of donations for the upcoming holy month of Ramadhan.
The donation will be handed over during a Tahlil ceremony for the village scheduled at the end of March, said mosque committee secretary Haji Zaini bin Haji Damit at the Khatam Al-Quran ceremony after the Subuh prayers yesterday.
The forms can be obtained from the Imam of the mosque, to be submitted before March 30, he said, adding that the welfare activity serves to reap spiritual rewards.
Mosque committee adviser Haji Mohiddin bin Pengarah Dato Paduka Haji Awang Othman was also present at the ceremony.