Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Doa Selamat for peacekeepers

Adib Noor

A Doa Selamat was held yesterday for the deployment of the 18th International Monitoring Team Mindanao Brunei Darussalam (IMT-M NBD) and the 4th Independent Decommissioning Body Verification, Monitoring, and Assistance Team (IDB VMAT) at Surau Ad-Difa’, Bolkiah Garrison.

Acting Commander of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) Brigadier General Dato Seri Pahlawan Haji Abdul Razak bin Haji Abdul Kadir Present was the guest of honour.

Also in attendance were Deputy Commissioner of the Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF) Sulaiman bin Alidin, Acting Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Defence (MinDef), senior leadership, defence representatives from diplomatic missions in Brunei Darussalam, officers and personnel of the MinDef and RBAF.

The ceremony began with the recitation of verses of Al-Quran followed by Tazkirah and proceeded with the presentation of Buku Perwira as tokens of appreciation for the contingent, and concluded with Sunat Dhuha prayers.

The 18th IMT-M NBD contingent is led by Commander Md Zouhdy bin Haji Abdul Razak, RBN and comprise four RBAF officers and an officer from RBPF. The 4th IDB VMAT contingent is led by Lieutenant Colonel Hairin bin Japar and comprise of three RBAF officers. The contingents will depart for Mindanao, The Philippines on March 21. As part of regional co-operation, the Sultanate will continue to provide assistance to ensure the neighbouring state’s peace and stability.

These missions are held to oversee the ceasefire agreement between The Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), as well as the process of decommissioning the MILF’s forces and weapons.

RBAF has participated in the IMT-M since 2004 and IDB VMAT since 2019 as part of its commitment towards regional and international peace and security.

The international mission is in line with the country’s aspirations underscored in the Brunei Darussalam Defence White Papers.

ABOVE & BELOW: Photos showing the Doa Selamat in progress. PHOTOS: ADIB NOOR

Acting Commander of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) Brigadier General Dato Seri Pahlawan Haji Abdul Razak bin Haji Abdul Kadir presents a token of appreciation

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