Tuesday, February 11, 2025
27 C
Brunei Town

    Curtains close on training programme

    Rokiah Mahmud

    Twenty-three participants from Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation (SEAMEO) member countries – Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Leste and Vietnam completed a five-day online course on ‘Competency-Based assessment in TVET.

    Director of National Labour Force Development Institute (INDMO) of Timor Leste Dr Isabel Fernandes De Lima was the guest of honour at the closing ceremony that marked the end of the training programme.

    SEAMEO for Vocational and Technical Education and Training (SEAMEO Voctech) Regional Centre Director Alias bin Haji Abu Bakar; Corporate Affairs Manager cum technical and vocational education training (TVET) specialist and course coordinator Norhayati Cynthia binti Abdullah, and management and officers from SEAMEO Voctech were also present.

    The centre director urged participants to put into practice the knowledge and skills earned during the course and implement them to their institutions.

    Meanwhile, Dr Isabel expressed support and confidence that the training programme was able to provide course participants with knowledge and skills to assess students’ competencies and for the instructors to develop the assessment tools to measure their students’ competencies.

    “As an offshoot of this training, you are now in a much better position to determine whether or not the goals of education and training are being met, particularly whether our students are learning from what they are supposed to be learning, and are able to perform according to the required workplace standards,” she added.

    Participants during the closing ceremony. Photo: SEAMEO VOCTECH

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