Saturday, July 27, 2024
27 C
Brunei Town

Conference focusses on science, technology

James Kon

Readiness to react and respond in any emergency situation and challenges through emerging science and technology innovations are among the topics to be discussed at the Brunei Darussalam Conference on Defence Science and Technology 2022 (B-SCI 2022) following the launch at the Defence Academy Royal Brunei Armed Forces (DA RBAF) at Kampong Tanah Jambu yesterday.

Organised by the Centre of Science and Technology Research and Development (CSTRAD), the Ministry of Defence (MinDef), the conference carries the theme ‘Defence Science and Technology Innovation for Future Sustainment’.

The two-day conference began with an opening ceremony officiated by representative of Deputy Minister of Defence Brigadier General (Rtd) Dato Seri Pahlawan Haji Abdul Razak bin Haji Abdul Kadir, as guest of honour, Acting Permanent Secretary at the MinDef Pengiran Dr Haji Mohd Esa Al-Islam bin Pengiran Haji Mohd Yunus.

Ra’es of Religious Teachers University College of Seri Begawan, Permanent Secretaries, Service Commanders and Joint Force Commander, Deputy Permanent Secretaries, Chief Executive Officers, Directors, Commandants, and senior officers from government agencies, local institutions and the private sector also attended.

The first day saw a keynote address by Malaysia’s Deputy Director General of Science and Technology Research Institute for Defence (STRIDE) Dr Hajah Zalini Yunus titled ‘Leveraging on Regional Partnerships to Advance Science Technology Innovation (STI) Development and Adoption to Support Future Defence Capability Sustainment’.

This was followed by a virtual panel forum on ‘Defence S&T Policies Towards Defence Capability Sustainment and Collaboration Between Government, Industry, and Academia’ which saw the participation of Chief Counsel – Commercial at the Australian Department of Defence Fransesca Rush; Deputy Chief Executive (Operations), Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA) in Singapore Roy Chan; and Commander of the Royal Brunei Air Force Brigadier General (U) Dato Seri Pahlawan Mohd Sharif bin Dato Paduka Haji Ibrahim.

The conference aims to promote a community of professional network of researchers, scientists and engineers to fulfil the defence and security needs of Brunei Darussalam through the exchange of ideas, knowledge and current research; to further strengthen ties and collaboration among professionals and experts from local and international universities, research institutions, government and private agencies; and to unite researchers, engineers and technology experts to establish a professional and collaborative science and technology group.

Acting Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Defence (MinDef) Pengiran Dr Haji Mohd Esa Al-Islam bin Pengiran Haji Mohd Yunus officiates the launch. PHOTO: JAMES KON

