Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Combat shortness with proper nutrition

Bruneians are found to be the fourth shortest people on the planet, average at 1.59 metres (m), or 5 feet 2.79 inches.

I believe that we can overcome the issue by encouraging our society to consume more calcium-rich foods as well as red meat and vegetables.

Take South Korea as an example. According to a 2014 survey, Korean men had grown by 0.15m and the women by 0.2m. They attributed the increase in the national average height to proper nutrition.

Perhaps that’s what we Bruneians need to do – eat well-balanced meals instead of settling with fatty nasi katok and sugary drinks as our daily staples.

The authorities could mandate the consumption of milk, greens and red meat among children in school.

We probably won’t be able to catch up to the Koreans anytime soon in terms of height, but it is better to start now. Our future generations will be thankful for it.

Need Taller Bruneians


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