Monday, February 10, 2025
25 C
Brunei Town

    Co-curriculum activities explore students’ skills

    Izah Azahari

    Co-curriculum activities such as leadership, self-skills undertaken together with the Youth Development Centre at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports have opened up space and opportunities for students to explore their talents and skills, said Institut Tahfiz Al-Quran Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah (ITQSHHB) Principal Pengiran Haji Amiruddin bin Pengiran Haji Damit.

    “These activities are also expected to give added-value and a positive impact on graduates of the institute towards the production of quality human capital, are marketable, with silent leadership and not just focussed on memorising Al-Quran,” said Pengiran Haji Amiruddin.

    He said this during a Doa Kesyukuran ceremony in conjunction with the 10th Haflut Takharruj of the ITQSHHB at the Main Conference Hall, International Convention Centre (ICC) in Berakas yesterday.

    He also shared that among the celebrated graduates yesterday are recipients of the Tasmie’ Hafazan 30 Juzuk Al-Quran Allowance. “I call on students to continue to preserve Al-Quran in addition to engaging in the Brunei Darussalam Tasmie’ Al-Quran test for the 10 Juzuk category, then 20 Juzuk until the Tsabit Hafaz of 30 Juzuk and make the Sultanate overflow with the blessings of Al-Quran.”

    The principal highlighted that the success of the 19 celebrated graduates is something the institute is proud of, with 100 per cent passing for three consecutive years.

    He said the institute’s goal is for every student graduating to memorise 30 Juzuk of Al-Quran and complete it in front of teachers, in addition to having knowledge of Qira’at, Fiqh, Tafsir, Hadith, Malay Islamic Monarchy (MIB), English and Tarannum.

    Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs Pengiran Dato Seri Paduka Haji Mohd Tashim bin Pengiran Haji Hassan presents an award. PHOTOS: IZAH AZAHARI
    ITQSHHB Principal Pengiran Haji Amiruddin bin Pengiran Haji Damit delivers a speech

    “The development of the Tarannum module in the past four years has seen graduates starting to participate in the Al-Quran recitation competition at the institute, Youth and National Adult Level,” said the principal.

    Graduate representative Dalili Faiqah binti Nasaruddin also delivered a speech, followed by the presentation of the ‘Aliyah Qira’at Diploma Excellence Award and a Certificate of Appreciation Presentation to sponsors by the guest of honour.

    Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs Pengiran Dato Seri Paduka Haji Mohd Tashim bin Pengiran Haji Hassan in his capacity as the Chairman of the 10th Haflut Takharruj Executive Committee was the guest of honour.

    ITQSHHB Board members as well as academic and ‘Aliyah Qira’at Diploma Examination of the Tahfiz Al-Quran Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Institute committee members, directors, invited guests, principal, deputy principals, lecturers, officers, teachers and celebrated graduates were also present.

    The 10th ITQSHHB Haflut Takharruj Supreme Committee Chairman Award went to Dalili Faiqah, while the 10th ITQSHHB Haflut Takharruj Supreme Committee Deputy Chairman Award went to Mohammad Afif Fikry bin Haji Abu Bakar, and the ITQSHHB Academic and Examination Committee Chairman’s Award went to Siti Mariatul Qaftiyah binti Salim.

    The ITQSHHB Academic and Examination Committee Deputy Chairman’s Award went to Awangku Muhammad Al-Faez bin Pengiran Haji Nor Jaidi, while the ITQSHHB Principal Award went to Ahmad Sabiq @ Ahmad Izzul Humaidi bin Ahmad and Nurnazurah binti Mohd Nornajayadi.

    Other awards were the ITQSHHB Al-Quran Memorisation Excellence Award that went to Ahmad Sabiq @ Ahmad Izzul Humaidi bin Ahmad, Awangku Ahmad Khairi bin Pengiran Haji Kamaluddin and Haji Muhammad Izzatul Wa’ie bin Haji Mohammad Yamin; and the ITQSHHB Qira’at Knowledge Excellence Award was awarded to Dalili Faiqah, Siti Mariatul Qaftiyyah and Mohammad Afif Fikry.

    The event opened with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah and Doa led by ITQSHHB ‘Aliyah Qira’at Diploma Lecturer Dr Mutiaa Al Kabbani, followed by a welcoming speech by ITQSHHB Principal Pengiran Haji Amiruddin bin Pengiran Haji Damit.


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