Sunday, October 6, 2024
30 C
Brunei Town


Chasing the shot

Khayr Zakariyya

As we venture more in the world of photography, this particular topic will be more interesting as we will be talking about landscape photography.

For many, landscape photography is more than just a hobby; it’s a profound and enduring passion that awakens a sense of wonder and connection to the natural world.

From the first click of the shutter, one embarks on a journey of discovery, constantly seeking to capture the beauty that unfolds before their eyes. It is a pursuit that demands patience, a keen eye for composition, and an unwavering appreciation for the ever-changing dance between light and shadow.

The definition of a landscape photo extends beyond merely capturing any expanse of countryside or land. However, it is important to recognise that not every snapshot will possess the qualities that make it frame-worthy.

A truly remarkable landscape photograph goes beyond a mere representation of a location; it becomes an interpretation of the scene. Embracing this concept will open your eyes to a fresh perspective, allowing you to appreciate the realm of landscape photography in a transformative way.

A fisherman seen at sunrise at Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien bridge. PHOTO: AMRI BIN HAJI MOHD SALLEH

A full time accountant and a landscape photographer Amri bin Haji Mohd Salleh spoke to The Weekend Bulletin to share his knowledge and experience.

“I started photography in 2004 where with a Sony compact camera F-828. The reason why I started photography is because I was curious after seeing my father taking portraits and landscape photos. He was an artist and also an avid landscape photographer.

“I have never use film camera before because it can be technical and complicated. I started converting my camera to a digital single-lens reflex camera in 2006 while most of the photographers were using DSLR cameras.“

Amri’s work is fuelled by determination and the desire to capture exceptionally stunning photographs. However, determining the limits and evaluating the risks involved becomes crucial. Striking a balance between the prospects of capturing unique photos and the accompanying risks is an ongoing challenge in Amri’s photography.

“The challenge lies in striking the perfect balance between original photo concepts and visually enticing perspectives, while also acknowledging potential risks and dangers. This made me love photography even more because of the challenges and results that I achieved. Taking photos or clicking the shutter button can fix the anxiety and pressure in me.

“Back in 2012, I’ve decided to become a professional photographer and I’ve invested a lot into cameras and photography equipment.

“I started to do more research on the technicalities of landscape photography. Landscape photography can be very challenging where you need proper camera gears and equipment to get stunning photos.

“Currently I’m using is a Canon camera with different sets of lenses for wide angle, fish eye lens and telephoto lens. My favourite lens is Irix 11mm – specifically for landscape photography. The most important equipment is a sturdy tripod to mount your camera. You can take the photos without a tripod but you will not achieve photos with the natural effect.“

“By doing your own research on the headed location is a must. Having the right equipment at the right place is an advantage as well as by searching the photos on Google will help you to expect what kind of pictures you might be getting,” said Amri.

“A landscape photographer needs a lot of patience, knowledge and passion. We can’t predict the sunrise and sunset is going to be beautiful on that day but being able to know and read the weather helps. To be a successful landscape photographer is not about luck, it is a long process of trial and error and never ending research and years of being patient. Ten to 20 years ago, there was no night filter that can decrease the noise of the photos, but now we can use photoshop.

“What inspired me to do landscape photography is because I love how the picture that I took will only be one in a million. Every photo is different, even if I try to retake it at the same place and weather. The beauty of landscape photography relaxes you and giving you that satisfaction that no words can describe.“

“I’ve won photography competitions locally back in 2008, 2012 and 2014 organised by Brunei History Centre and I have represented Brunei Darusalam for photography exhibitions in Seoul, South Korea in 2014 and in Bangkok, Thailand in 2018.

“Each camera have their own capabilities and limitations. Getting a mentor is the best way to learn photography. You need someone to teach and guide you. Photography is a learning process and you just need to trust the process.”


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