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Chan Na’s epic martial odyssey

After half a decade in the fighting arena, Chan Na is steadfast in his pursuit to mirror the accomplishments of his idol, renowned fighter Thoeun Theara. However, he acknowledges that he has yet to attain the lavish rewards in the form of homes and vehicles enjoyed by his more triumphant peers.

PHNOM PENH (ANN/THE PHNOM PENH POST) – From the turbulent seas of a storm-tossed fishing vessel to the revered Kun Khmer ring, Sun Chan Na’s journey is a testament to resilience and determination. 

Rising from humble origins as the sixth child of subsistence farmers in Tbong Khmum province, Chan Na’s path diverged drastically from the traditional trajectory. 

At the tender age of 15, he made the bold decision to leave home, seeking employment on a fishing boat in Rayong, nestled along the shores of the Gulf of Thailand.

Little did he know, this seemingly mundane job would serve as the genesis of his extraordinary odyssey into the world of martial arts. 

Over the span of five years entrenched in the fight scene, Chan Na’s passion for combat grew, fueled by the desire to mirror the feats of his idol, the legendary Thoeun Theara. Yet, despite his unwavering dedication, he candidly acknowledges the gap between his aspirations and his current reality. 

While his contemporaries revel in the spoils of victory, Chan Na humbly acknowledges his ongoing pursuit of success.

Having honed his skills in the crucible of Thai arenas, Chan Na now sets his sights on his homeland, Cambodia, where he seeks to carve his name among the elite. With each punch and kick, he carries with him the hopes of a family he once supported through toil and sacrifice. 

As he steps into the ring, Chan Na embodies the spirit of perseverance, a testament to the indomitable human will to transcend adversity and forge one’s destiny.

While working at sea, he earned THB10,000 (USD280) a month, sending as much home to his family as he could. It was not an easy introduction working abroad.

“When I first went fishing, I suffered terribly. I was sea sick, and I missed my parents and my siblings very much,” he says.

“In the middle of an ocean storm, as the waves crashed over the small vessel, I lay alone in my bunk and cried. I wanted to come home, but the ship was at sea for up to a month, so it was not possible,” he adds.

Eventually, he adapted to his new life at sea. There were several Cambodians aboard the fishing boat, and he was no longer lonely. In his spare time, he would play-fight or wrestle with the other sailors. This was the beginning of the next stage of his extraordinary journey.

Kun Khmer fighter Chan Na during a workout at the HAHA Super Fight Club & Gym in Olympia Mall on January 16. PHOTO: ANN/THE PHNOM PENH POST


Chan Na’s playful sparring and shadow boxing with old car tyres attracted the attention of another sailor, who was a retired Thai boxer.

After almost three years at sea, the Thai convinced Chan Na to take boxing seriously.

“He was not just a former fighter – his parents owned a boxing club. He told me about the kickboxing scene in Thailand and persuaded me that with my natural talent, there might be a place for me there,” says Chan Na.

“He convinced me that I could do it, even though I had ever even watched a fight,” he adds.

Much as he had when he first put to sea, Chan Na was unsure if he had what it took to live the life of a professional fighter. The intense training left him exhausted, and he had little to no understanding of boxing tactics or ringcraft. He was just 17 years old at the time.

With the support of the head of the club and his coaches, Chan Na received a visa which allowed him to live in Thailand legally. He dedicated himself to his training, and was soon entered in a small tournament, held in a local pagoda.


In his first fight, he knocked out his Thai opponent in the third round, claiming a purse of THB500 (USD15).

Even though his winnings were meagre, he dutifully sent them home to his parents in Tbong Khmum.

The win made him believe he had a future in the ring.

After a long period of fighting at pagodas and festivals – with some losses but more wins – Chan Na was offered a shot at the big time.

The promoter of the Max Muay Thai Ring in the bustling resort island of Pattaya offered him a place on the programme. He rose to the occasion, mirroring his first win by knocking out his Thai opponent in the third round. This time, the purse was THB9,000 (USD250).

“That first match in the Max Muay Thai Ring made my name in boxing. I received a lot of support from my fellow expatriate Khmer because the fighter I beat was a strong boxer, and had been hand-picked by the owner of the event. I honestly never expected to come away with the win,” he said.

With his popularity rising, Chan Na became an important fighter in the Max Muay Thai roster, with fights coming his way every month. After more than 20 appearances, he was given the opportunity to challenge for the 59kg belt.

In March 2022, Chan Na beat Thai boxer Phet Mit Mai on points in the preliminary stage, and made the final. He defeated Thailand’s Phet Pattaya, claiming his first belt, a huge surge in fame, and a far heavier purse of THB50,000 (USD1,400).

Like a good son, he sent almost all of his winnings home.

Kun Khmer exponent Chan Na poses for a photograph at the HAHA Super Fight Club & Gym. PHOTO: ANN/THE PHNOM PENH POST


“That belt was my biggest success to date, and it made me famous in Thailand. Whether Thai or Khmer, the fans supported me. Even the police were fans,” he says.

“Once, I had forgotten to put my helmet on before riding my motorcycle. The police just waved and smiled at me, because they admired my fighting abilities so much,” he said, laughing.

With his reputation on the rise, Chan Na was given the chance to compete for a belt at the Super Champ Ring in June 2022. He lost to Thai boxer Khun Pun on points.

By that time, he was earning around THB25,000 (USD700) per match, with most of it making its way back to his family.

Disputes between the sports’ Thai and Cambodian governing bodies broke out in late 2022, when Cambodia elected to include Kun Khmer in the 32nd SEA Games, which it hosted, omitting Muay Thai.

A social media storm broke out, with the fans of both martial arts claiming the other was incorrect and disrespectful. Thailand withdrew its kickboxing team from the regional games, and many Cambodians working in Thailand spoke of a nationalist prejudice against them in the aftermath.


In addition, Thai boxing promoters refused to allow Cambodian fighters to compete.

“At that time, I was training well, but Khmer boxers were not allowed to compete,” says Chan Na. “I had nothing to do for months, so I decided to return to Cambodia and pursue a career here,” he explains.

Things didn’t go his way when he first arrived on the Kun Khmer scene, and he suffered more losses than wins.

He believes that the losses were unrelated to his skills or fitness, but due to a different ranking system. As a 57kg fighter, he was sometimes matched with boxers who weighed more than 60.

He even faced pressure from his parents, who suggested he stop fighting. They told him that after six years of boxing, all he has to show for it is a scarred face.

Eventually, he found his form. In December last year, he knocked out Lao fighter Kong Poachai at the Krud Kun Khmer event at the National Television of Cambodia (TVK) arena, and followed it up with a win over Thai boxer Meknasak Serimon in January’s second round of the TVK competition.

He has set his sights high, and is determined to claim a belt in his homeland.

“I had an excellent reputation in Thailand, where I was well-known and popular. Since returning home, my popularity felt like it went downhill. Fortunately, my wins over the Lao and Thai boxers at the Krud Kun Khmer event have put me back in the spotlight,” he says.

“I want to go all the way in the Krud tournament and claim the belt, and fame, in Cambodia,” he adds.

He has strengthened his resolve, and aims to represent Cambodia on the international stage at some point.

Now that he is focused, he is training harder than ever, at Phnom Penh’s HAHA Super Fight & Gym, with coach Suong Panha.

“I want to build a reputation like Thoeun Theara, and compete for world-class belts and prizes like cars. I think I still have time to do it. My body is still strong, even though I am now 25 years old,” he says.


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