Izah Azahari & Lyna Mohamad
The past few years, since the COVID-19 pandemic began, saw minimal Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations being carried as people opted to stay indoors and socially distanced from other family members and friends.
When the Sultanate entered the endemic phase in 2022, people began adjusting to the new normal of celebrating Raya by keeping gatherings relatively small.
This year, as the celebration draws near, the public is seen flocking to shopping centres and getting into the festive mood in the post-pandemic era.
The Bulletin took the opportunity to ask a few individuals regarding their plans for the upcoming festivities, seeing as borders have fully opened and there is the option of reconnecting with loved ones abroad.
“We feel blessed and thankful for the collective efforts of our nation in handling the pandemic in the past three years. It’s given us the opportunity to celebrate Hari Raya again with very minimal COVID-19 restrictions,” said Fairuz Zaini, 35.
He shared that his family members have been planning in advance to see their families across the border.


Fairuz added that he and his family hope that even with restrictions lifted, everyone still take care of their hygiene, refrain from attending a gathering when they are unwell and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Meanwhile, Azizi Ahmad, 35, said that although the festivities seem familiar to him, his first-born’s great enthusiasm for Raya is making the whole family more spirited. His child’s frequent enquiry about whether the celebration has commenced adds to the overall festive mood.
Azizi added that with the new addition to their family, they can’t wait to go and take a family portrait together while wearing Hari Raya attire.
Azizi said he and his wife always take precautions to protect their children because although the country is in the endemic phase, they still make sure their children wear their face masks while visiting other family members, especially if the gathering is a little crowded. Meanwhile, Niza Latip said that although this will be the first year of Raya with no restrictions, she and her family will most likely spend their first day at her in-laws in Belait District, depending on her work schedule.
She added that she have plans on spending the festivities with her relatives in Kuching next year, adding that they plan on hosting an open house for their close relatives and friends.
Much like Niza, 25-year-old Arif Jamal said he and his family have made minimal preparations for the upcoming festivities.
However, he said, “I feel like we are more at ease this year, especially for those who have families across the border.
“Last year, we definitely didn’t see a lot of celebrations. But we’re hoping it will pick up this year as there are no longer any restrictions”.
Civil servant Jasnani from Kampong Kilanas, looks forward to the festivities as she had made cake orders more than usual. She said she will be preparing Raya favourite items such as rendang and clams for the open house.
Fins from Kampong Tanjong Maya said she will maintain social distancing especially around the elderly who are have higher risk of infection.
As for Amir and his family, they feel this year is the real Hari Raya, and they have prepared five sets of colour themed and matching Raya outfits and planned to have a lot of photo shoots during the festivities.
He also prepared green packets for his younger cousins while his family members are preparing catering for the first and 10th day where they will have family members from Malaysia and Singapore visiting them.
Maryam meanwhile is a Filipino married to a Bruneian husband and has been celebrating Raya here since 2000 and has been spending Raya most of the time at her mother-in-law’s house over the years.
She shared that Raya here and back in her hometown is totally different as they live far apart from families.
Wan and his wife from Kampong Pandan Belait District look forward to their Kelupis session made by their relatives which has a unique taste during the festivities.
For them, there is not that much difference between Hari Raya before and now because for them the COVID-19 restrictions has somehow made them adapted to the atmosphere.
He noted that the pandemic has taught people to live modestly and cut down on their expenditure.
Although restrictions have been lifted, celebrants still need to be cautious as there are still active cases and new variants so it is only wise that measures are taken while enjoying the festivities.