Friday, October 18, 2024
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Brunei Town


Campaigning for work-life balance

Izah Azahari

Kemudi Group of the 6th Cohort of the Young Executive Programme (YEP) recently launched 200 awareness posters aimed at cultivating a healthy work-life balance as part of the community outreach projects conducted under the programme.

A representative of main sponsor, Print Plus Sdn Bhd, Head of Sales and Marketing Muhammad Nuh @ Abdul Aziz bin Johari handed over the posters to Kemudi Group representative Saziuandi anak Kalman.

The event continued with a certificate presentation to the main sponsor by Kemudi Group member Pengiran Haji Md Saiful Hakimin bin Pengiran Haji Duraman.

In an interview with the Bulletin, Kemudi Group member Nur Afiqah binti Abdullah said the initiative aims to promote the importance of work-life balance (Ke3) in Brunei as a theme for advocacy to create awareness on the importance of effective time management among employees while fostering a sense of concern for family time outside of office hours.

“We want to spread awareness on work-life balance not just to the community, but also to managerial and ministerial levels so the Brunei community becomes more aware of the need for work-life balance,” said Nur Afiqah.

Print Plus Sdn Bhd Head of Sales and Marketing Muhammad Nuh @ Abdul Aziz bin Johari presents the poster to Kemudi Group representative Saziuandi anak Kalman. PHOTO: IZAH AZAHARI

Nur Afiqah said, the pandemic has at times blurred the boundaries between working and non-working hours especially by employee who work from home, resulting in stress and burnout.

“From there, the team decided to spread awareness on the topic,” she added.

The Kemudi Group also organised virtual forums featuring human resource officers from verious companies and government agencies.

The forums provided platforms for individuals from different career backgrounds to voice out their issues and discuss solutions. Representatives from Public Service Department’s (JPA) Counselling Unit also shared the statistics on current government sector issues on work-life balance, Nur Afiqah said.

The first publication of the awareness poster entitled ‘Kanang-kanangkan Dangan’, was made in collaboration with CuboiArt and supported by the Civil Service Institute (IPA) and the JPA.

The posters will be distributed to government and private agencies, as well as department stores.


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