Wednesday, October 16, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Call to address green IC issue

I am writing in response to recent letter, ‘Concerns over address discrepancies on ICs’, published in the Opinion page on August 21, 2024. As someone currently facing the same issue, I wholeheartedly share the concerns voiced by KL. In my experience, this discrepancy becomes particularly challenging when trying to open a bank account.

Banks often require the address on the identity card (IC) as proof of residence, but since the address on my green IC does not reflect my current home (it matches the one on the foreign worker licence), it has caused confusion and delay. Despite presenting other supporting documents, the IC address remains the primary reference point, complicating what should have been a simple process.

Relying on the foreign work licence to set the address on the IC is problematic. As the author of the August letter pointed out, the document typically lists multiple employees under a single residential address. There is no provision in the application to record the actual address of each employee, and it is highly unlikely that all employees reside in the same location.

I understand that administrative changes take time, but I hope this issue is addressed soon. Many of us depend on accurate documentation for everyday tasks, and the ability to easily update addresses on our ICs would overcome these challenges.

With the growing importance of precise identification in banking, government transactions and other administrative applications, this issue is more than just an inconvenience; it has become a barrier to accessing essential services.

I thank the authorities for their ongoing efforts to improve services and hope these concerns are taken into consideration to enhance the overall experience of all green IC holders.



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