Saturday, July 27, 2024
27 C
Brunei Town

Call for women to join Munajat night

Azlan Othman

The Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA) will continue hosting the Munajat night event by inviting women to join and intensify their religious practices tonight.

The Munajat night for women will commence after performing Maghrib, Sunnat Taubat and Sunnat Hajat prayers.

The religious gathering seeks to get close and forgiveness from Allah the Almighty by praying, reciting Istighfar, Surah Yaasiin and Zikir simultaneously with the hope that the people and Brunei Darussalam are spared from all disasters and dangerous diseases, especially the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Munajat night also usually sees Tazkirah delivered by scholars in the Sultanate.


