Sunday, June 30, 2024
26 C
Brunei Town

Britain’s true ruler? Larry the Downing Street cat

LONDON (AFP) – There has been one figure of stability in the last 14 years of political turmoil in the United Kingdom (UK) – Larry the Downing Street cat.

Now, with a general election fast approaching on July 4, the ageing tabby could be in line for his sixth prime minister.

He has already had five Conservative prime ministers serve under him but if polls are correct, he will soon get his first from the Labour party.

Incumbent Rishi Sunak’s departure would see him take his fox-red labrador retriever Nova too. Not that Larry would mind.

According to Sunak’s wife, Akshata Murty, the pair have had some “heated exchanges”. But Larry has always prevailed.

Labour leader Keir Starmer recently told the BBC that his family has a cat, Jojo, that his children spoil more than him.

They also have a hamster, Bear, he told the Metro newspaper. But it remains to be seen if either would move with him if he wins.

Larry has been fiercely protective of his territory, frequently fighting to be top cat with his counterpart at the foreign ministry, Palmerston. His rival eventually retired to the countryside.

Urban foxes and unsuspecting pigeons have also been chased away, although one feathered interloper narrowly avoided his clutches, as the media looked on.

Larry, Downing Street’s official Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office looks out of a window in the Prime Minister’s residence. PHOTO: AP

