The Ministry of Health (MoH), in collaboration with the Islamic Studies Department (JPI) under the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA), organised a career briefing for Arabic school students to inspire interest and provide early exposure to educational pathways in the medical field. The event at Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha Girls’ Arabic Secondary Religious School in Kampong Katok on Thursday, featured talks by orthopaedic consultant Pengiran Dr Noor Azmi bin Pengiran Dato Dr Haji Mohammad, acute medicine specialist Dr Haji Mohd Athaailla bin Haji Mohd Abdullah and dentist Dr Amalina binti Kamis from the MoH.
Meanwhile, the nursing session was conducted by MoH nursing officers, Mohammad Azmirul Azmi bin Sallehuddin, Cathrina binti Haji Mohd Sigie Al-Islam and Sairah binti Haji Yanam.
The briefing included a question-and-answer session, followed by the guest of honour, Assistant Director (Corporate Services) at the JPI, MoRA Haslinah Susanti binti Haji Mohd Hassan, presenting tokens of appreciation to the speakers.
A similar briefing was held the previous day at Ma’had Islam Brunei with JPI head of administration Hajah Noor Rasidah binti Haji Sharbini as the guest of honour. – Fadley Faisal