Saturday, September 28, 2024
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BND10K windfall for lucky Aspirasi winners

Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD) presented a total of BND50,000 to four winners of the BIBD Aspirasi 6 Reward Campaign’s third-quarter draw yesterday. Each quarterly winner received BND10,000, while 24 others took home BND1,000 each.

The quarterly winners are Pengiran Hajah Jamilah binti Pengiran Haji Matarsat, Chong Ming Jen @ Aaron Chong, Rennieyanti binti Haji Sunny, and Norasmah binti Haji Ali. The prizes were awarded by BIBD Deputy Chief Operating Officer Lyndsay Spray during a ceremony at the PGGMB building in the capital.

Pengiran Hajah Jamilah was represented by her daughter, Dila binti Junaidi. In an interview, Dila said, “My mother couldn’t attend today as she is still mourning after my father passed away two months ago.”

She added, “I am thrilled for the BND10,000 win. This will make her happy and it will help with our savings. She also plans to travel to ease her mind, making this news very timely for us.”

Commenting on the BIBD Aspirasi initiative, she said, “My mother has been saving since 2022, though I wasn’t sure of the total amount. I believe BIBD Aspirasi is an excellent initiative that encourages saving while offering rewards. It’s a win-win situation.”

ABOVE & BELOW: Dila binti Junaidi on behalf of Pengiran Hajah Jamilah binti Pengiran Haji Matarsat, holds the mock cheque; Chong Ming Jen @ Aaron Chong; and Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD) Deputy Chief Operating Officer Lyndsay Spray presents a mock cheque to a quarterly winner. PHOTO: JAMES KON & SALAWATI HAJI YAHYA
Winners of the BIBD Aspirasi 6 in a group photo. PHOTO: JAMES KON & SALAWATI HAJI YAHYA

Meanwhile, Chong Ming Jen @ Aaron Chong, a young winner of BND10,000, said he learned about BIBD Aspirasi from a friend. “I started putting in a small amount of money each month and it has grown to a decent sum,” he said. “Thanks to BIBD Aspirasi, I have saved more. The more you deposit, the greater your chances of winning. It’s a good way to practice saving.”

Regarding his win, he said, “I didn’t expect to win BND10,000 and I was suprised. I thought winning anything would be good enough. I plan to treat my family to a nice meal and save the rest.”

Winners were selected from customers who subscribed to BIBD Aspirasi and maintained a minimum holding period of 90 days. Following an earlier live draw for eligible certificate numbers, today’s event featured a separate draw for monthly and quarterly winners.

To participate in the reward draws, customers need to maintain a minimum deposit of BND50 throughout the 90-day holding period. The BIBD Aspirasi programme, now in its sixth cycle, has rewarded over 2,000 winners with total winnings exceeding BND4.4 million since its launch.

BIBD Aspirasi 6 reflects the bank’s commitment to financial inclusivity and literacy, aiming to incentivise positive saving habits with numerous prizes throughout the year.

By the campaign’s conclusion on November 30, a total of 288 monthly winners and 16 quarterly winners will be recognised, alongside two grand prize winners, each receiving BND200,000. – James Kon


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