The Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF), in collaboration with the Belait District Office, provided humanitarian assistance and disaster relief to flood-affected areas in the Belait District.
The Civil Military Cooperation (CIMIC) Section of the Third Battalion of the Royal Brunei Land Forces (3Bn RBLF) was deployed to assist in the transportation of Panaga Primary School teachers from the Belait District Office Hall to the school premises. RBAF personnel aided the teachers in salvaging and organising undamaged school books.
The initiative underscores the ‘Hearts and Minds’ approach adopted by the RBAF, which aims to strengthen relationships and build trust with local communities, particularly those affected by natural disasters across all four districts. The RBLF remains committed to working alongside the National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC) and other agencies to uphold a whole-of-nation approach to disaster response.
As weather conditions in Brunei Darussalam remain active and continue to pose risks, such as flash floods and landslides, the RBAF reaffirms its readiness to provide disaster relief support to the public in these challenging times.