Saturday, March 15, 2025
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    Before it’s too late

    Jocelyn Gecker

    SAN FRANCISCO (AP) – Since the pandemic started, experts warned of a mental health crisis facing American children that is now visibly playing out at schools across the country.

    Seventh grade social studies teacher in Southern California Benito Luna-Herrera told of middle school students whose post-pandemic depression led them to thoughts of suicide. Other educators said they have never seen so much school violence, anxiety, depression, substance abuse and suicide ideation.

    The silver lining in Luna-Herrera’s case is that special training helped him know what to look for and how to respond to signs of a mental emergency. He is among a small but growing number of California teachers and school staff to take a course called Youth Mental Health First Aid. It teaches adults how to spot warning signs of mental health risks and substance abuse in children, and how to prevent a tragedy.

    The California Department of Education funds the programme for any school district requesting it, and the pandemic accelerated moves to make such courses a state requirement. The training programme is operated by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing and available in every state.

    “I don’t want to read about another teenager where there were warning signs and we looked the other way,” said Senator Anthony Portantino, author of a bill that would require California middle and high schools to train at least 75 per cent of employees in behavioural health.

    “Teachers and school staff are on the frontlines of a crisis, and need to be trained to spot students who are suffering.”

    A student rests on his desk at California City Middle School. PHOTOS: AP
    Harry Bruell holds a framed photo of his daughter Taya

    Experts said childhood depression and anxiety were on the rise for years, but the pandemic’s unrelenting stress and grief amplified the problems, particularly for those already experiencing mental health issues who were cut off from counsellors and other school resources during distance learning.

    In low-income areas, where adverse childhood experiences were high before the pandemic, the crisis is even more acute and compounded by a shortage of school staff and mental
    health professionals.

    Many states mandated teacher training on suicide prevention over the last decade and the pandemic prompted some to broaden the scope to include mental health awareness and supporting behavioural health needs.

    United States (US) President Joe Biden proposed USD1 billion in new federal funding to help schools hire more counsellors and psychologists and bolster suicide prevention programmes.

    That followed a rare public advisory in December from US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy on “the urgent need to address the nation’s youth mental health crisis”.

    Many children bounced back after the extended isolation of distance learning, but for others it will take longer, and mental health problems often lag a stressor.

    “We can’t assume that ‘Okay we’re back in school, it’s been a few months and now everyone should be back to normal’. That is not the case,” professor of child psychiatry at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and Co-Director of the National Center for School Mental Health Sharon Hoover said.

    The Youth Mental Health First Aid course helps distinguish typical adolescent behaviour from warning signs of mental distress, which can be blatant or subtle. After noticing something might be wrong, the course teaches that the next step is to ask the student without pressuring or casting judgement and letting them know you care and want to help.

    Luna-Herrera took the course in spring 2021 and two weeks later put it to use.

    One of his 12-year-old students felt her world was falling apart. Distance learning upended her friendships. Things with her boyfriend were verging on violent. Her home life was stressful. “I’m just done with it,” the girl told Luna-Herrera, and shared a detailed plan to
    kill herself.

    The course teaches how to handle such a crisis: Raise the alarm and get expert help. Do not leave a person contemplating suicide alone. Luna-Herrera continued talking to the girl while also getting school administrators and police involved.

    “He absolutely saved that child’s life,” said Mojave Unified Superintendent Katherine Aguirre, who oversees the district of about 3,000 students, the majority of whom are Latino and Black children from economically disadvantaged families.

    Another advocate for training teachers is Harry Bruell, who hopes it can prevent the tragedy his family endured. His daughter Taya died of suicide when she was 14.

    Soon after her death, Bruell found a journal she kept as part of an assignment for her Colorado high school. In it, Taya drew a disturbing portrait that showed self-harm and wrote about how much she hated her body and was hearing voices she wanted to silence.

    Her teacher read the assignment and wrote, “Taya, very thorough journal. I loved reading the entries. A+”. The teacher never told the school counselllor or administrators about it. Three months later, in February 2016, Taya killed herself.

    “I don’t think the teacher wanted to hurt our daughter. I think she had no idea what to do when she read those stark warning signs in Taya’s journal,” said her father.

    He believes legislation to require teacher training in behavioural health will save lives. “It teaches you to raise the alarm, and not just walk away.”


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