Saturday, July 27, 2024
27 C
Brunei Town

Be obedient, humble, Muslims told

Azlan Othman

Muslims are discouraged from becoming arrogant and too proud of themselves with the blessings they receive from Allah the Almighty.

During the Friday sermon yesterday, Imams said that conceit, including Riak (showing off in performing deeds) and Sum’ah (performing deeds to be heard by others), can ruin humility in Muslims.

Among the attitudes Muslims should possess are obedience and submissive in carrying out the commands from Allah the Almighty solely to gain His pleasure without feeling superior to others.

“Islam teaches its Ummah to practice humility in their daily life, especially towards Allah the Almighty, the Prophet (pbuh), the religion, the truth and towards fellow humans,” Imams said, adding that Allah the Almighty has promised paradise for those who are humble.


