Tuesday, September 17, 2024
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At least 20 killed as river ferry sinks in Afghanistan

ISLAMABAD (AP) – At least 20 people were killed when a boat sank while crossing a river in eastern Afghanistan yesterday a Taleban official said.

Information and Culture Department provincial director Quraishi Badlon in Nangarhar province, said that the boat sank while crossing a river in Mohmand Dara district, killing 20 people including women and children. Badlon said that the boat was carrying 25 people, according to village residents, of whom five survived. So far five bodies have been retrieved including a man, a woman, two boys and a girl, said the Nangarhar health department in a statement. It added that a medical team and ambulances were sent to the area.

The officials didn’t provide details on the cause of the accident and said that rescuers are still searching for other bodies.

ARCS health workers’ vehicles near the site of the sunken boat in Afghanistan. PHOTO: AP

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