Friday, September 20, 2024
27 C
Brunei Town


ASEAN trade meeting boosts standards, cooperation

The 8th Meeting of the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (Upgrade Negotiation) Working Group on Standards, Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment Procedures (ATIGA Upgrade Negotiation WG STRACAP) was held recently in Brunei.

Director of Industry and Business Ecosystem Division at the Ministry of Finance and Economy Allen On represented the Sultanate in his capacity as Acting Director of National Standard Centre. ATIGA WG STRACAP acts as a platform to further increase trade cooperation within the ASEAN region through the utilisation of Standardisation and Conformity Assessment (SCA) as a trade facilitation instrument.

The two-day meeting chaired by Chief Trade Industry Development Specialist Teresita Marites Lourdes G Rosario from the Philippines was attended by senior officials as well as officials from the National Standards Body of the ASEAN member states.

In line with the emphasis of the 36th ASEAN Free Trade Agreement, the upgraded ATIGA Agreement will contribute to a more sustainable economic integration and more conducive environment for growth, development and a more resilient supply chain.  – James Kon

ABOVE & BELOW: The 8th Meeting of the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (Upgrade Negotiation) Working Group on Standards, Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment Procedures in session; and Director of Industry and Business Ecosystem Division at the Ministry of Finance and Economy Allen On in a group photo. PHOTO: MOFE


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