Thursday, July 4, 2024
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All up for the challenge: Squid jigging is rewarding fishing adventure

ANN/THE STAR – Squid jigging in Malaysia presents an accessible and rewarding adventure, appealing to enthusiasts along the country’s extensive coastlines and the numerous islands that dot the peninsula.

The rich marine environment creates a year-round haven for squid jigging, offering ample opportunities for anglers to pit their skills against these elusive cephalopods.

Mastering the art of squid jigging involves a combination of patience and skill.

Although there is a slight learning curve, those who take the time to understand the sport’s nuances can look forward to an exhilarating experience.

The technique is centred around using small lures or jigs meticulously designed to mimic the squids’ natural prey, attracting them.

The “udang jig,” with its prawn-like appearance, is particularly effective and popular among anglers, proving to be an irresistible enticement for the squids.

Anglers typically target four main species of squid – torak, cumit, mengabang and katak.

Each species presents challenges, contributing to the diverse and engaging experiences that make squid jigging so interesting.

ABOVE & BELOW: A boat with squid jigging enthusiasts; and a angler with a mengabang squid. PHOTO: THE STAR

For instance, the torak and cumit squids are especially plentiful from March to May along the Terengganu coast, where a vibrant squid jigging festival takes place.

This period is marked by abundant catches, with anglers often reeling in significant quantities of squid in a single trip.

The east coast serves as a prime hotspot for these species, offering ideal conditions for a successful hunt during this period.

The spotlight shifts to the mengabang and katak squids for the remainder of the year.

Catching these varieties involves casting a squid jig into the sea and reeling it back with gentle, twitching motions that mimic a prawn’s movements.

This technique is highly effective in luring squids, enticing them with the prospect of an easy catch.

The choice of equipment is also important to the squid jigging experience.

A light rod enhances the activity, providing sensitivity to the fight with the squid as its tentacles are caught on the umbrella hook attached to the lure, adding excitement to the challenge.

The recommended setup includes a light to medium-action rod paired with a compact reel spooled with a 15 pounds (lb) or 20lb line. This combination strikes the perfect balance between control and exhilaration, making every catch memorable.

In Malaysia, squid jigging is more than just a catch; it’s an immersive journey that deepens the bond between anglers and the sea.

Regardless of experience level, the sea promises an unrivalled squid jigging adventure filled with catches and the pure joy of fishing.

This sport also encourages the appreciation of the country’s natural beauty and promotes a sustainable approach to enjoying its marine resources.

So, gear up, embrace the art of squid jigging, and embark on an unforgettable expedition along Malaysia’s sprawling coastline, where adventure and squids await.


