Friday, October 18, 2024
30 C
Brunei Town


Aidiladha spirit of giving continues

Prime Minister’s Office

The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) held a korban ceremony at the Banquet Hall, PMO building yesterday, in conjunction with Hari Raya Aidiladha.

Four cows were sacrificed for the ceremony, and the korban meat distributed to some 48 recipients from the PMO and its departments, as well as 124 asnaf recipients registered under the Brunei Islamic Religious Council (MUIB).

A talk on the meaning of sacrifice was delivered by Islamic Da’wah Centre officer Ahmad Muzhafar bin Haji Marsidi.

Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office and Minister of Defence II Pehin Datu Lailaraja Major General (Rtd) Dato Paduka Seri Haji Awang Halbi bin Haji Mohd Yussof, the guest of honour, along with Deputy Minister (Civil Service Governance) at the PMO Dato Seri Paduka Mohd Riza bin Dato Paduka Haji Mohd Yunos and Deputy Minister (Energy) at the PMO Haji Mohamad Azmi bin Haji Mohd Hanifah distributed the meat to recipients. The ceremony expressed gratitude to Allah the Almighty for His blessings, while also cultivating a sense of compassion among the community and strengthening relationships between fellow Muslims at the PMO.

The event was organised by the Public Service Commission Office (SPA) in collaboration with the Department of Energy at the PMO. – James Kon

Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office and Minister of Defence II Pehin Datu Lailaraja Major General (Rtd) Dato Paduka Seri Haji Awang Halbi bin Haji Mohd Yussof presents korban meat to a recipient. PHOTO: RAFI ROSLI
The minister at the event. PHOTO: RAFI ROSLI

Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health (MoH) held a korban ceremony at the ministry premises yesterday, in conjunction with Hari Raya Aidiladha.

This year, three buffaloes were sacrificed and the korban meat distributed to some 199 recipients comprising MoH staff from all four districts.

Acting Minister of Health Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Nazmi bin Haji Mohamad, along with Permanent Secretary at the MoH Haji Maswadi bin Haji Mohsin and Acting Deputy Permanent Secretary (Professional) at the MoH Dr Hajah Rafidah binti Haji Gharif, distributed the korban meat.

The ceremony was jointly organised by the Department of Administration and Finance at the Health Promotion Centre as well as the Project Development and Estate Management Division at the MoH.

A talk on Ibadah Korban was also delivered by an officer from the Royal Brunei Armed Forces’ Religious Department Mohammad Fahmi bin Haji Matnor.  – James Kon

Acting Minister of Health Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Nazmi bin Haji Mohamad at the event. PHOTO: RAFI ROSLI
ABOVE & BELOW: Photos show the acting minister distributing korban meat to recipients. PHOTO: RAFI ROSLI

Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism

The Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism (MPRT) held their annual korban ceremony yesterday at the Setia Pahlawan Hall.

The event, organised by the Department of Fisheries, saw three buffaloes sacrificed and the korban meat distributed to some 80 recipients, which included staff from the ministry and its departments. Meanwhile, the communal takbir chanting was led by the Department of Fisheries Takbir group.

Minister of Primary Resources and Tourism Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Abdul Manaf bin Haji Metussin, the guest of honour, officiated the distribution of sacrificial meat.

Permanent Secretary at the MPRT Hajah Tutiaty binti Haji Abdul Wahab; deputy permanent secretaries; department heads; senior officers; and staff were also present.

A religious talk ‘The Sweetness in Sacrifice’ was also delivered by Islamic Da’wah Centre officer Mohammad Nasyith bin Suferi.

The annual korban ceremony is held to express gratitude for the blessings and bounties granted by Allah the Almighty, while fostering a spirit of mutual assistance among Muslims.  – Fadley Faisal

ABOVE & BELOW: Minister of Primary Resources and Tourism Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Abdul Manaf bin Haji Metussin at the event; and presents korban meat to recipients. PHOTO: MUIZ MATDANI

Royal Brunei Police Force

The Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF) held a korban ceremony at the Gadong Police Surau yesterday, in conjunction with Hari Raya Aidiladha.

The ceremony, organised by the RBPF Islamic Religious Body, saw the sacrifice of two cows and three goats, with part of the korban meat distributed to 53 asnaf in mukims Gadong ‘A’ and Berakas ‘B’.

Commissioner of Police Dato Paduka Seri Haji Mohammad Irwan bin Haji Hambali was the guest of honour at the event, joined by Deputy Commissioner of Police Dato Seri Pahlawan Sulaiman bin Alidin, directors and deputy directors of departments, formation heads, commanding officers, senior officers and RBPF personnel. – Fadley Faisal

ABOVE & BELOW: Commissioner of Police Dato Paduka Seri Haji Mohammad Irwan bin Haji Hambali presents korban meat to recipients. PHOTO: RBPF


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