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    Advocating for digitalising, greening TVET

    Rokiah Mahmud

    Southeast Asian Minister of Education Organisation for Vocational and Technical Education and Training (SEAMEO Voctech) Regional Centre held an international conference on Digitalising and Greening TVET for Sustainable Development on October 27 in Bangkok, Thailand.

    The conference was held in conjunction with the centre’s 33rd governing board meeting and attended by participants from across the globe and live-streamed on YouTube.

    Deputy Permanent Secretary (Higher Education) at Thailand’s Ministry of Education Dr Pichet Popakdee, the guest of honour, and Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam to Thailand Pengiran Haji Sahari bin Pengiran Haji Salleh attended the opening ceremony.

    Dr Pichet Popakdee officiated the event and delivered opening remarks where he commended the centre on drawing attention to the urgent issues on sustainable development, citing the existing regional strategic policies that emphasise digitalising and greening TVET, including Thailand 4.0; Singapore’s Smart Nation initiative; Malaysia’s Industry 4WRD and Unlocking Indonesia’s Digital Opportunity.

    He noted that the initiatives require a collaborative effort amongst relevant stakeholders to boost TVET and engage TVET graduates in digitalising and greening initiatives.

    “TVET being the major education and training provider for preparing our future workforce must be at the forefront in addressing sustainable development issues,” he said.

    “TVET graduates must have a green mindset and green skills. Likewise, together with industry, governments must be able to develop green economies, thus creating green jobs.”

    Meanwhile, SEAMEO Voctech Centre Director Alias bin Haji Abu Bakar urged TVET providers to prepare TVET graduates in digital competencies and a green mindset, and to integrate green skills into their TVET curriculum, teaching-learning, as well as assessments.

    He highlighted that the efforts are aimed towards the betterment of TVET, and by producing competent, socially-culturally conscious, and economically-oriented graduates, TVET will inevitably contribute towards the sustainable development of the region and beyond.

    A panel during the conference. PHOTO: SEAMEO VOCTECH

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