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Actors Aliff Aziz and Ruhainies deny khalwat charges

KUALA LUMPUR (ANN/THE STAR) – In a dramatic courtroom scene on Wednesday, popular actors Aliff Aziz and Ruhainies fervently denied charges of khalwat (close proximity), as reported by the source’s Malay-language portal.

Appearing before Syarie Judge Abu Suffian Abu Yaziz at the Federal Territory Syariah High Court in Kuala Lumpur, Aliff confidently stated, “I understand the charge. I plead not guilty.” 

Following suit, Ruhainies echoed his plea, saying, “I understand. I plead not guilty and request a trial.”

The prosecution, led by Syariah prosecutors Mohd Nahar Mohamad and Masroha Duki from the Federal Territory Islamic Religious Department (Jawi), outlined the serious allegations against the pair. The actors are accused under Section 27(a) and Section 27(b) of the Syariah Criminal Offences (Federal Territories) Act 1997. 

If convicted, they could face a maximum fine of MYR3,000, up to two years imprisonment, or both.

Represented by lawyers Hadi Salleh and Amirul Ashraf Ghani, Aliff and Ruhainies are resolute in their defence. The charges stem from their arrest on March 9 at a condominium in Kuala Lumpur.

Adding to the suspense, the duo previously appeared in court on June 20, seeking an extension of their bail bond. 

The high-profile trial has now been rescheduled for October 12, with their bail bond extended.

popular actors Aliff Aziz and Ruhainies fervently denied charges of khalwat. PHOTO: ANN/THE STAR

