Monday, March 10, 2025
28 C
Brunei Town

    Accolades for outstanding youth

    Rokiah Mahmud & Izah Azahari

    A highlight of the 17th National Youth Day celebration yesterday was the announcement of the National Youth Day Awards 2022, with His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam presenting the awards.

    The recipient of the Excellent Youth award was Dr Mohammad Hilmy Baihaqy bin Haji Awang Yussof. Being a role model for the youth and the community by making a name for Brunei at the international arena is no easy task.

    Thirty-three year old Dr Mohammad Hilmy Baihaqy is the Head of the Strategic Planning Unit and the Professional Development Unit at Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA), as well as the Strayholders Public Relations Officer.

    The lecturer expressed gratitude to Allah the Almighty for the blessings as well as His Majesty for conferring the award to him this year.

    “This award is an appreciation of the youth in the country, and I pray that, Insya Allah, we will always excel not only in this world, but also in the afterlife,” said Dr Mohammad Hilmy Baihaqy.

    A special performance during the 17th National Youth Day celebration yesterday. PHOTOS: BAHYIAH BAKIR
    FROM LEFT: Recipient of the Excellent Youth award Dr Mohammad Hilmy Baihaqy bin Haji Awang Yussof; and recipient of the Excellent Youth Service award and Co-Founder of Bina Ukhwah and Projek Feed Pengiran Haji Ahmad Fadhillah Akhbar bin Pengiran Haji Sellahhuddin
    FROM LEFT: Agus bin Muslim and Abdul Aziz bin Haji Hamdan with their awards. PHOTOS: BAHYIAH BAKIR

    He also hopes that the award will serve as an inspiration for him and other youth to continue to serve the religion and the country.

    Meanwhile, Co-Founder of Bina Ukhwah and Projek Feed Pengiran Haji Ahmad Fadhillah Akhbar bin Pengiran Haji Sellahhuddin received the Excellent Youth Service award.

    Speaking to the Bulletin, he said that it was an achievement to receive such a prestigious award.

    He expressed gratitude for the opportunity given to him, while at the same time highlighted that the award is for those who have supported and become part of his 20-year journey in volunteerism.

    Pengiran Haji Ahmad Fadhillah Akhbar said the award will act as a medium to explore and grow further, not only for himself, but also for his team to embark on more sustainable projects for economically-challenged families.

    Projek Feed, he said, is a platform where “we assist the economically-challenged families to join our mentoring programme and encourage them to start their own businesses”.

    He added, “Through the programme, they are led and guided by several mentors comprising business owners and volunteers who tirelessly ensure that the project is a success in assisting the underprivileged.

    “We also expose them to useful tools such as financial literacy, business planning and management.” He also shared that through the project, seven individuals have successfully set up their own businesses, to the extent of not having to rely on government assistance anymore.

    “Projek Feed acquired its own centre in Kampong Delima 1, which was later transformed into an Al-Quran recitation centre or Pusat Mengaji for economically-challenged families as well as orphans,” he continued.

    “There, we focus on developing our economically-challenged children to have the Akhlakul Karimah.

    “The project also collaborates with Five Kalam to conduct Friday and Saturday classes,” he added.

    Meanwhile, Agus bin Muslim was the recipient of the Excellent Youth Project Award 2022.

    He is the founder and CEO of Nextacloud Technologies, the company behind the BloodKad application.

    Agus shared that BloodKad aims to digitalise the donation process and managing the blood stocks at hospitals and blood banks. At the moment, he said, “There are 16,000 donors registered with the app and it is being used at hospitals in Brunei-Muara, Tutong and Temburong districts, and by this week, it will be available in the Belait District”.

    He added, “The app can be used nationwide by the third quarter of this year. The application has been tested at Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha (RIPAS) Hospital for several years, and has been proven to assist in speeding up the donation process and save cost.”

    “Meanwhile, in the fourth quarter of 2022 and the first quarter of 2023, we hope to see the app expanded to Malaysia (Miri and Selangor) and Indonesia particularly Surabaya, Bali and Jakarta.”

    The recipient of the Young Youth Leaders Award 2022, Abdul Aziz bin Haji Hamdan, has always been known as a humble and generous person, liked by all walks of life in the community.

    His leadership started from the grassroots level. Armed with interest and desire to develop the youth, especially in the district where he was born, the 37-year-old guides Tutong youth in various fields. Highly motivated to serve, he continues to contribute to the development of youth.

    Currently the village head of Kampong Sengkarai, Abdul Aziz is also a part of the Tutong IMPAK Group and the Tutong District Development and Creative Body.

    “Alhamdulillah, I would like to extend my gratitude to the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, the Tutong District Office, the Tutong District Development and Creative Body, and the Tutong IMPAK Group,” said Abdul Aziz.

    As the village head, he said that the award is a testament of the leadership that he has shown.

    “Receiving this award is truly an indescribable honour,” added Abdul Aziz, who plans to continue to lead Tutong youth as well as those in other districts to keep moving forward as they are the potential leaders of the future.


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