Tuesday, October 8, 2024
28 C
Brunei Town


A clear call for prevention

The global drug problem is a multifaceted crisis that infiltrates every corner of society, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake.

From individuals grappling with the relentless chains of substance use disorders to communities besieged by the violence and disruption of drug trafficking and organised crime, the impact is profound and far-reaching.

To combat this complex issue, there is a need to adopt a scientific, evidence-based approach that prioritises prevention and treatment, laying the groundwork for a healthier, safer world.

Marked annually on June 26, the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, also known as World Drug Day, aims to bolster action and cooperation towards a world free of drug abuse.

This year’s campaign highlights the necessity for drug policies that are grounded in scientific research, respect for human rights, compassion and a thorough understanding of the social, economic and health impacts of drug use.

Its theme, “The evidence is clear: invest in prevention”, advocates for proactive measures to curb the drug crisis. By implementing evidence-based prevention programmes, societies can protect individuals and communities while weakening illicit economies that profit from human suffering.

File photo shows participants during a run to mark International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in the Temburong District last year. PHOTO: RAFI ROSLI

Research has consistently demonstrated the value of investing in prevention.

Educational and informational programmes, alongside strong rehabilitation and reintegration efforts, can greatly diminish the incidence of substance use disorders.

Essential elements of an effective prevention strategy include public health initiatives and enhanced funding for treatment and harm-reduction measures.


In a powerful message on the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 2024, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres highlighted the devastating impact of drugs on human health and society.

Guterres emphasised that drug use severely undermines individuals’ well-being and leads to hundreds of thousands of overdose deaths annually.

The secretary-general warned about the increasing lethality and addictiveness of synthetic drugs, noting that the illicit drug market continues to break production records, fuelling crime and violence globally.

“At every turn, the most vulnerable people – including young people – suffer the worst effects of this crisis.

“People who use drugs and those living with substance abuse disorders are victimised again and again: by the drugs themselves, by stigma and discrimination, and by heavy-handed, inhumane responses to the problem,” he further pointed out.

Guterres underscored this year’s theme, stressing the importance of prevention in breaking the cycle of suffering. He advocated for evidence-based drug prevention programmes, which can shield both individuals and communities while undermining illicit economies that thrive on human misery.

Drawing on his experience as the former prime minister of Portugal, Guterres shared the effectiveness of preventive measures in combating drug abuse. He highlighted successful strategies including rehabilitation and reintegration programmes, public health education campaigns, and increased investment in prevention, treatment and harm-reduction efforts.

“On this important day, let’s recommit to continuing our fight to end the plague of drug abuse and trafficking, once and for all,” he concluded.


This year’s World Drug Day is a call to action for several critical initiatives aimed at addressing the global drug problem through evidence-based prevention strategies.

Raise Awareness

The campaign seeks to increase understanding of the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of evidence-based prevention strategies. By emphasising their impact on mitigating the harms of drug use, it aims to highlight how these approaches can significantly reduce the burden on individuals and communities.

Advocate for Investment

There is a strong push for greater investment in prevention efforts by governments, policymakers and law enforcement professionals. The campaign underscores the long-term benefits of early intervention and prevention, encouraging stakeholders to allocate resources towards these crucial areas.

Empower Communities

Communities are at the heart of the prevention effort. By equipping them with the necessary tools and resources to implement evidence-based initiatives, the campaign fosters resilience against drug use and promotes solutions that are led by the community itself.

Facilitate Dialogue and Collaboration

Promoting dialogue and collaboration between stakeholders is essential for enhancing evidence-based prevention practices and policies. The campaign aims to create a supportive environment for knowledge sharing and innovation, which can lead to more effective strategies.

Promote Evidence-Based Policymaking

Advocating for evidence-based policymaking at both national and international levels is a key focus. Ensuring that drug policies are grounded in scientific research and informed by best practices is crucial for creating sustainable and effective interventions.

Engage Communities

Raising awareness about the importance of community engagement and participation in designing and implementing effective drug prevention programmes is another primary goal. Empowering communities to take ownership of these efforts can lead to more impactful and lasting change.

Empower Youth

Youth empowerment is a vital aspect of the campaign. Providing young people with the knowledge, skills and resources to become agents of change in their communities helps to advocate for drug prevention initiatives and amplifies their voices in the conversation.

Promote International Cooperation

Finally, fostering international cooperation and collaboration among governments, organisations and communities is necessary to develop and implement evidence-based strategies for combating drug trafficking and organised crime.

Recognising the global nature of the drug problem underscores the need for coordinated action.

By addressing these key areas, this year’s World Drug Day campaign aims to create a comprehensive and effective approach to drug prevention and treatment, ultimately working towards a world free of drug abuse.

On this important day, let us renew our commitment to combating the global drug problem.

Guided by the principles of science, compassion and solidarity, we can amplify our efforts and create a world where individuals are empowered to lead healthy, fulfilling lives.

Through collective action and a steadfast dedication to evidence-based solutions, we can make a significant impact and move closer to a future free of drug abuse. – Izah Azahari


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