PETALING JAYA (ANN/THE STAR) – Malaysia surged to the 14th place among the world’s top tourist destinations, according to WP Travel, a website offering free web plugins for tour operators, travel booking, and trekking agencies.

It said Malaysia improved its ranking from 15th place last year.

It also said Malaysia has advanced to claim the 14th spot this year by welcoming 26.1 million tourists, a significant increase from the 20.14 million visitors in the previous year.

Based on Data Panda‘s findings, France topped the list as the most visited country worldwide, with a total of 89.4 million tourist arrivals.

Spain closely follows with 83.7 million tourists, securing the second spot, while the United States ranks third with 79.3 million visitors.

Thematic photo of the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur. PHOTO: UNSPLASH

In South-East Asia, Thailand takes the 11th spot on the global list, attracting 39.8 million travellers and surpassing Malaysia, which currently holds the 2nd position in the region.

Vietnam ranks 21st with 18 million tourist arrivals, followed by Indonesia and Singapore at 27th and 28th places, attracting 15.5 million and 15.1 million tourists, respectively.